Sunday, October 23, 2011

Libya and Radical Islamic Law

One sotry tonight (big, banner headline on, although I don't know how much play it is getting in the maintream media) is about how the new "government" of Libya has unveiled "plans" to introduce a much more radical "system" of strict "Islamic law" than expected.

Does this mean that it is a bad thing that Gadhafi is gone? No. It was not a bad thing, unless you are Pat Buchanan, that we got rid of Hitler, even if it was at the cost of the rise of the Efil Empire of the Soviet Union. It was not a bad thing that we got rid of Saddam Hussein, no matter whether you believe the war in Iraq was worth the cost (men and money).

However, the EUPH(ORIA (Obama and his supporters in the mainstream media--basically all of the mainstream media) over the KILLING of Gadhafi (he was already gone) is totally misplaced. I even heard the dishonest propagandists at CNN ask wheter the killing of Gadhafi does not signal the REISE of Aermoican POWER in the world. Hogwash (keeping them honest). Gettin grid of these dictators is a good thing. But, just as the French Revolutin did nNOT signal the "rise" od America-style democracy in the world, it appears to be MUSLIM EXTREMISM and INTOLERANCE that is really on the "rise" in the world.

This is hardly cause for euphoria,. and wild overstatements aobut how "significant" the killing of Gadhafi was. In fact, the actual killing had almost no significance at all, except to remove a possible "bogeyman" from disrupting the fukture of Libya. The killin go fGadhafi, however, did not make it any more likely that Libya wold avoid a takeover by Islamic extremists. Did the BEHEADING of the king of France, and Marie Antoinette, mean that the French Revolutin was going to result in an effetive, free government? Not a chance, and it did not. Gadhaifi's.....well, murder....was the end of a man who deserved to die (see my next planned article on the hyocrisy of the death penalty opponents who also CVHEERED the death of Gadhafi), but it really signals NOTHING about the future of Libya (or of American power, which most of us think Obama has done his best to diminish in the world, as a matter of GUILT that we are as powerful as we are). Notice that the killing of Saddam Hussein had more "due process" than the killing of Gadhafi.--another one of those ironies for Obama and those other hypocrites of the left, including the mainstream media.

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