Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Obama's Teleprompters Stolen; Country Leaderless; VP Biden Takes Over

You know that Constitutional Amendment that provides for the VP to take over when the President is incapacitated? Well, that had to be implemented today as President Obama's teleprompters were stolen. Don't laugh. This wsa such a BIG story for our incompetent media that it ws THE featured picture story on my AT&T/Yahoo default page a little while ago, and is all over seemingly every other "news"outlet.

Why? Well, incompetent as they are, our media peope know that Obama is jus a PUPPET. His teleprompters have been running the country. That is why VP Biden has been forced to take over the government.

I know. Now everyone is mad at me. I fully realize that most of you would be willing to face the threat of an "electirfied fence" (see previoius two articles), and are perfectly willing to USE such a threatet to discourage illegal immigrants. But I know that most of ou also believe there is a LIMIT to what is an acceptable hoax, and you (rightly) believe that merely bringing up the idea that Joe Biden is President represents "cruel and unusual" punishment, even if that provison of the Consitution does not apply to private individuals (as most provisions do not, contrary to the impression of Kyra Phillips and the other liars and incompetents at CNN). In fact, I am fully aware that even thouse of you who might oppose the death penalty mayy be willing to make an exception for ME for scaring people this badly --probably inducing several heart attgacks.

What can I say? This blog is BRAVE. Like Herman Cain, this blog thinks America should be mroe willing to take a joke. This is not to say, of course, that Obama's extreme reliance on his teleprompters is a joke. tjhat is all too real. However, we have not YET reached the point whre machines can think (and, more importantly, LIE).

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