Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wall Street Protesters: Vote Republican, the People Who Wanted To Let Wall Street Fail

Or at least vote for CONSERVATIVE and TEA Party Republicans.

Who was it that OPPOSED the bailout of Wall Street and the big banks? Right. It was CONSERVTIVES like this blog. This is NOT hindsight. This blog has been against the bailouts fro mthe very beginbning---from early October of 2008. LET THEM FAL. That was the only EFFECTIVE way to PUNISH Wall Street, and to avoid encouraging bad behavior.

Would we not have been worse off? Worse off than NOW? Don't be silly. We might well have been "wrose off" for a few MONTHS. But we have traded those fwew months for YEARS and DECADES--not to mention encouraging the economic fasicsts on Wall Street to believe that they will ALWAYS be bailed out. That, alone, is WORSE than any ppossilbe consequence of letting these peole fail.

But if you really belive that we needed to teach Wall Street a lesson, and let them know there are conseqauences to bad, stupid economic behavior, then the obvious way to do it was to OPPOSE the bailouts. Whod did that/ This blog. But the REPUBLICANS in the House of Reprewentatives VOTED down the fraudulent bailout (a blank check, when it was promised it would not be a blank check) first DEFEATED the initial bailout. They only INTIMIDATED enough Republicans to get the bailout passed afeter INTENSE pressure (including stock market balckmail--false, as the stock market would rreach its LOW in March of 2009, and woujl dnot be "helped" by the bailout).

"But, Skip, there is information that these are LEFTISTS who support Obama" (where are the quetions about whether HE supports THEEM?

Have I not told you that leftists, including the mainstream media, are the worst, most dishonest hypocrities to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four? It was ONLY conservatives, and Tea Party types , who wanted to let the MARKET PUNISH Wall Street, rather than bail them out. That does not mean doing nothing to "save" the economy. It means LETTING THE FAILURES FAIL. That is what the protesters SAY they want. Wath they really probably want is BIG GOVERNMENT. controlling everything. That is actually what created the bailouts, which OBAMA supported (and still supports, as the Fed BAILS OUT the big banks every single day, and does its best to bail ut Wall Street and the stock market).

Nope. If the protesters REALLY believe what they are syaing about Wall Street, then they should VOTE REPUBLICAN (at lest that part of the Republican Party who are not economic fasicists believeing in this Obama-type "partnership" between Big Business and Big Government to contorl our lives).

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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