Monday, October 3, 2011

Obma, Media and This Blog: How Much Influence Does This Blog Have?

Youmay wonder how much influence this blog can have: an almsot blind man (making some of the articles very hard to read) and not many apparent readers.

Yet. Things keep happening. Oh, I am ALWAYS right. That has already been established (audited accuracy: 99.8%). That is nopt the point here.

Look at the AT&T/Yahoo internet default page as I saw it just before this is being written. Headline on the FEATURED PICTURE SOTORY: "Obama says nation 'not better off' At the same time one of th eFEATURED "top stories" was the APn story (okay, recent events have established that the despicable AP is full of racists who are doing terrible things to Obama because he is black, but you could have fooled me) with this headline: "Obama: Americans are not better off than four years ago...." Yep. Same story, but featured TWICE.

As you know, this blog has CORRECTLY told you to boycott both Yahoo and AT&T, and this blog has been conducting a Sodom andGomorrah search (you don't want to kniow on Whose insructions), for more than 7 years, for an honest, competent AP reportrer. Is this blog finally getting through to thee people? There was a time that this part of an Obama interview would be BURIED. Sometimes I wonder whether this blog does not have more influence than I think.

Or is it jsut that the mainstream media realizes that Obama is SINKING, and it is a case of RATS (an apt description, which I stand behind) deserting a sinking ship? This latter explanation is the most likely, but....still....I wonder.

And what about Obama? There have been multiple stories lately that HE is SINKING into DEPRESSON. Can that be literally true.? Maybe. There is that "Americans have gone soft" comment, and now this rather strange admission. No, it is TOO LATE for Obama to get a reputation as the "straight talk express". People have already heard too many lies--too much deciet. No, I don't think it matters that it is the TRUTH that the country has ot imrved under Obama. That has never stoopped Obama before. I wonder.

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