Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Alan Colmes, Dishonest Political Hack (NPR Implodes as Leftists Continue to Demand Taxpayer Funding)

Yes, it is a simple fact that Alan Colmes has no intleectual integrity, and is merely a political hack spouting Democratic/leftist talking points. It is from Colmes that you find out the leftist "defense" of NPR (whoxe CEO and cehif fund raiser have now both resigned after thet hidden camera video/audio of the NPR exec criticizing "gun toting, fundamentalist Christians", Republicans, Juan Willliams--a black man unjustly fired by NPR, JEWS, Isreael, and almost everyone else except leftists).

So what is the dishonest, official leftist talking point on the NPR undercover video, direct from the horse's mouth (Colmes, although yoiu might want to use another orifice as the metaphor)? The leftist "spin" is to IGNORE the actual evidence that NPR is a left wing political organization, insstead of some sort of public service, in favor of attacking the TACTICS of James O'Keefe (the man behind the undercover video, and the man behind the previouis aCORN videos). Colmes, for example--one of the more dishonest men who has ever commented on public issues--says there is something wrong with this kind of deception to "trap" people into saying things on camera and audio. Colmes says that conservatives would not like this tacttic used against them.

Well, Colmes is a LIAR. Oh, I am sure conservatives--and anyone else--do not like to be the target of this kind of deceptive "sting". But the LIE--and Colmes, the political HACK, knows it--is that conservatives (and others) have regularly been the target of "undercover" vido. The problem as to the use of videos against conservatives has often been that the videos are DECEPTIVE, (not the "undercover" part, but the attempted distortion of the meaning of the video or audio), and blown out of all proportion. For example, think of all of those videos, alleged audio tapes, and reports of alleged shouts from Tea Party rallies. Then there was that "prank" on Governor Walker of Wisconsin from a person claiming to be a conservative billionaire (as distinguished from Democrat/leftist billionaires like George Soros and Marc Cuban--not to metnition Bil Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffet).

Yes, look at the "prank" on Governor Walker. Governor Walker did not even say anything different frm what he has said in public--even talking to a person he thought was a possible financial and political supporter. Yet, the tape was repeated--the parts, taken out of context, that the mainstream media considered most embarrassing--on the half hour on CNN. It was a FEATURED picture story on Yahoo "news" (see my prevous article) on my Uverse default page. In contrst, CNN hardly mentions the NPR story, as it hardly mentioned the ACORN story. Sure, CNN has to report the resignation of the NPR exectutives, but the continuous PROPAGANDA is misssing. Yet, it is the Walker story that was a non-story, and the NPR story that is a significant story (if only because the NPR execttive said that NPR did not need, and wouuld be better off without, taxpayer funding). The left leaning Sixty Minutes, of course--along with other "investigative journalists--bascially invented the undercover video tactic. NBC, and probably others in the mainstream media, also invented the undercover video DISTORTION. NBC had a famous scandal about "ehnahcing" the video of exploding vehicels in supposed tests by planting essentially a bomb.

Nope. Alan Colmes is a hypocrite--one of those mainstream media and leftist Democrat hypocrites who represent the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four. IF there were a Tea Party video anywhere near as bad as the NPR video, Colmes would be one of the first out there condemning the Tea Party in general. Indeed, the way the mainstream media treated the Walker "undercover" audio shows conclusviely that this is true.

Yes, Alan Colmes is on Fox, one of the many reasons that Fox News is often not worth listening to. However, ask yourself wherther there is ANYONE like Colmes (or Juan Williams or Geraldo Rivera or many others) on CNN or MSNBC. No, I am not talking about "tame" "conservatives". I am talking about conservatives like Sean Hannity (who annoys me, but could well be regarded as a less dishonest Colmes on the right)? You know that CNN and MSNBC will not REGULARLY feature an AGGRESSIVE "talking points" conservative in the sense that Colmes is a walking, talking points leftist. Juan Williams, of course, proved that NPR will not even tolerae a MODERATE LEFTIST who strays from their leftist orthodoxy.

Yet. Harry Reid and the left--as usual--wnat to keep TAXPAYER funding of leftist propaganda, organizations and causes. This is true of Planned Parenthood, ACORN type organizatioins, and upblic employee unions. Yes, public employee unions use MANDATORY union dues to fund LEFTIST POLITICS--money that comes directly from taxpayers. It shows how superior conservative ideas are that they keep rebounding under this kind of organized assault from people using TAX MONEy to fund the attacks (plus the whole mainstream media). Yes, conservatives also have to contend with establishment Republicans. It shows how right we are that our ideas keep rrebounding in the face of this entgrenched oppositiion. It shows that the truth canot be suppressed forever.

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