Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is Obama a Muslim? Muslim Extremism, Leftist Politics, and Mainstream Media Propaganda

Yes, the mainstream media--not to mention the non-Muslim, non-Christian in the White House--is in full PROPAGANDA mode. That is evidenced by the full court press by the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press" (complete official name) stories today featured on Yahoo News (the featured articles on my Uverse default page which I keep to know what the despicable Yahoo and AP are doing).

The FIRST stoy today--yes, there were multiiple stories representing meaningless propaganda rather than "news"--was about how over 100 "interfaith, non-profit, and governmental" organizations wre planning a rally in New York City to protest the coming House hearing on the role Muslims may have in homegrown terrorism. That, rather, is the LIE from Yahoo and the AP. The heaaring, of course, is to investigate just how much RADICAL Islamic extremists have penetrated into Muslim organizatons and mosqus in this country, or into elements within the Muslim community.

Before going further, let me translate this "coalition of more than 100 interfaith, non-profit and governmental" oraganizations, and what the AP article meant. Translation: More than 100 LEFT WING organizations have approached their p.r. flacks in th left wing mainstream meddia to P:ROMOTE a rally to label the United States, or the non-left wing people in it, as a bigoted country. It is, of course, perhaps evidence that God does not exist that thunderbolts have not struck every AP office, and all of these left wing people, when they say laughably absurd things about "intolerance" i the United States merely INVESTIGATING Muslim groups in this country. As I have stated before, the Untited states is morel--much more, not even close--tolerant toward Muslims than ANY (no matter how "moderate") Muslim country is toward Christians. And you will remember that it was a MUSLIM who just killled those two soldiers in Germany IN THE NAME OF ISLAM. It was a Muslim who killed those 13 people at Ft. Hood. It was a MUSLIM from Saudi Arabia who just got charged with trying to make a bomb. It was two MUSLIM lyound ment who just pleaded guilty to conspiring to join anti-American Islamic extremists overseas in a jihad against America. The list just goes on and on.

You say that this does not mean ALL Muslims, or even most, are Islamic extremists lokking for ways to kill Americans? You are right, but what does that have to do with anything. Say there was a worldwide "right wing" group trying to kill Americans, using a perverted kind of Chirtianity as a cover for their hate speech and actions? Should not the Congress investigate whether members of such a Christian sect in the Untied States are aiding and encouraging murder, even if most of the members of that sect don't approve of such things? Of course the Congress sshould investigate. That is all Congress is doing here: looking into whether radical Muslims are pushing an agenda of hate and murder in the United States of the same kind that has led to so many attacks around the world (including in the United States, as at Fr. Hood). Sure, it is POSSIBLE that the Muslim community in the United States so strongly condemns (I, frankly, have not seen this, butr that is one good purpose for the hearing) that this is really a MINOR danger for the U.S. Maybe radical Islam has little appeal for American Muslims. But it is a FACT that it has SOME appeal. Again, look at the Ft. Hood shooter, and other examples. SOME Muslims in the U.S.>(look at that U.S. born radical imam in YEMEN) have bought into the docttrines of Islamic extgremists. No, I do NOT mean just al-Qaida. Islamic extremists not formally connected with al-Qaida are pushing the same message of hatred and intolerance being pushed by al-Qaida. In fact, al-Qaida grew out of extremist elements in the Islamic religion--NOT the other way arund.

So why the rally. I translated that for you. These are left wing groups who pretty much despise and hate most of the people in America--at least those who do ot agree with their left wing ideology. This is a rally based on IDEOLOGY, and not real "discrimiation".

No. I could not make this up. The stories did not end with the propaganda piece promoting this PLANNED (another story to come, or more than one, on the actual rally) rally in New York City. This is one of the featured AP headlines on Yahoo News/Uverse (BOYCOTT YAHOO) this evening: "White House praises Muslims before House hearling."

Read the headline I just quoted. Then consider this headline (essentially what Bill O'Reilly said on "The View"): "Muslims attack World Trade Center on 9/11". Or: "Muslim kills 13 at Ft. Hood". Or: Muslim kills 2 Americans in Germany in name of Muslim Holy War--shoots two others". The point is this: Is the White House praising ALL Muslims, including the ones who are murdering people in the name of their religion? That is what the headline SAYS--just as much as the O'Reilly statement might be taken as too general condemnation of all Muslims. Nope. You CANNOT (unless you are dishonet) PRAISE Muslims in general, for the good actions of some or many, while CONDEMNING a similar generalization the other way. But if Obama was not praising ALL Muslims (which makes no sense at all, given 9/11 and the rest, not to mention IRAN), then what does such a statement accomplish? It says nothing about whether some elements of Islam in the United States may be giving aid and comfort to Islamic extremists. And WHY is such a meaningless statement "news" such that it is one of the FEATURWD stories this evening? I told you why. The maiinstream media propaganda machine has gone into motion.

Look at the irony here. Obama, and this sycophants in the mainstream media, keep wondering why so many people in the United States believe Obama is a Muslim. Do you think that this statement "praising Muslims" today might give them a CLUE. It is absurd. Indeed, it would make more sense if Obama were a Muslim. I have labeled you a kook--as I have labeled my own mother--if you believe there is any evidence that Obama is really a Muslim. But he keeps feeding the idea by his constant apologies for Islamic extremism, such that he (not to mention CNN) can't even choke out the term. As stated above, Bill Maher and I agree (virtually our only area of agreement, other than I am an agnostic) that Obama is NOT a Christian. Maher and I agree that Obama does not believe in any religion. And Maher and I should know. We know a non-believerf when we see one.

Expect more propaganda from the mainstream media about how bad this (Republican led) hearing is. No, I don't know why Obama thinks he can win this battle. Like I say, the mere fact that he does think most Americans want to bend over backwards just to avoid hurting the "feelings" of oversensitive Muslims strikes me as some evidence Obama is a Muslim (if I did not know, to a moreal certainty, that such is not true). Americans are not for discrimination. But neither are most Americans for DENIAL that Islamic extremism is a real threat in the world, and perhaps we should take that threat seriously enough in the United States to at least investigate how large the problem is in our Muslim communities in this country. If it turns out there does not appear much of a problem, that should HELP Muslims in this country.

P.S. Note, as usual, that the above has been neither proofread nor spell checked (eyesight). This article, by the way, was written Sunday night, if you want to track the propaganda from the mainstream media as it develops. BOYCOTT YAHOO

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