Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hillary Clinton and Al Jazeera: Poor CNN and MSNBC as Second Class Networks, as Hillary Agrees with this Blog

You just could never make this up. An item of news today was a speech by Hillary Clinton in which she said something like the following: "Al Jazeera is better than the American networks because it gives hard news instead of having talking heades talking back and forth about their opinioins." Al Jazeera, of course, is the main ArabMuslim world news network.

Look how bad a position this puts CNN and MSNBC. Yes, I am sure Clinton was also referring to Fox News, but what does Fox News care? They don't care what Hillary Clinton thinks of them, and they TROUNCE CNN and MSNBC in ratings and viewers. What do CNN and MSNBC have? They have the ratings of a test pattern, and now they know what Hillary Clinton tingks of them. Poor them. I would not want to be CNN or MSNBC. Or Comcast, which is assuming ownership of MSNBC (and NBC, also seemingly trashed by Clinton). (Should you boycott Comcast for even wanting to own NBC and MSNBC? It is a thought. GE, of course, which has owned NBC and MSNBC is an EVIL company on so many levels I can't go into it here.)

I knew that Hillary Clinton and I were simpatico (an El Paso type word, which is the city in which I live). That is why I came out of the closet as a bttter feminist than almost any leftist out there, and voted for Hillary Clinton in the Texas primary in 2008. More than that, I promised to vote for her in the general election (against John McCain). I refused to vote for Barack Obama in that general election, although I also refused (properly, and events have proved me correct as Obama has mobilized conservatives as McCain never could have done).

Yes, several YEARS ago I said Al Jazeera was better than the American mainstream media, even though Al Jazeera is rather openly a propaganda outlet for a specific (often anti-American) point of view. But I said, years before Clinton, that Al Zazeera was bETTER than the despicable AP, CNN and MSNBC at presenting honest news--at least they pretty much tell you where they are coming from and may SOMETIMES report actual events instead of agenda. Further, Al Jazeera is LESS anti-American than the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press" (complete, official name) and the rest of the mainstream media.

But it is not just on the comparison of Al Jazeera and the American "news" media--especailly the mainstream media, even though I have long said Fox News is also part of the problem--that I agree with Hillary Clinton. For the past two weeks, I have mentioined Michael Crichton's novel, "Ariframe", in article after article critical of CNN and the mainstream media (as well as Fox News, in at least one article).. "Airframe" is nominally fiction, but it is the most damning indictment of modern "journalism" I have ever read. I wish I had written it. The essential message of "Airframe" can be summed up in this advice from a "media consultant" advising a corporate executive on how to answer questions from a modern TV "reporter": The main thing you have to remember is that these people are not interested in information. That is not the purpose of any questioin, and you make a crucial mistake if you believe that any question is an attempt to get real information from you."

That is the exact point upon which Hillary Clinton and I fully agree. American "journalists" have no interest in information. Read "Airframe", which nails it. American "journalists" are only interested in agenda. The agenda may be political, or personal ambitiioin. But agenda is everything. It is a mistake--whether answering their questions or seeing them asked and answered--to think that a "journalist" is interested in information. That is simply not true, and Hillary agrees totally withme and Crichton (creator of ER and Jurassic Park) on that (if you believe our speech. Where I would disagree with Clinton is that Al Jazeera is a reliable source of "hard news', instead of propaganda. That is absurd. But I was ahead of Clinton by YEARS in suggesting that Al Jazeera was not as bad as our own mainstream media.

I have told you about my ability at FORESIGHT, rather than hindsight. But did you ever believe that I could ANTICIPATE Hillary Clinton? I bet you didn't. See how you underestimate me. ("You" here refers to the millions out there who SHOULD have read my stuff, and not only the few who actually have. One of my talents isknowing how all of those lmillions whould have underestimated me, even if they had done themselves a favor and read my stuff.)

In a related news item, it appears that the Obama Administration is PRESSURING (at least by attempted persuasion) cable providers to include Al Jazeera on their cable service. Now that is terrible stuff. What business does the Obama Administration have telling cable operators what to include in their content? You know that one of the problems Obama has is that many people (including my mother) believe he is a Muslim. I have called my own mother a kook for this belief, along with anyone else who believes the same thing. HOWVER, Obama keeps making it difficult for me in the argumetns I have with my mother. Obama simply refuses to denounce Islamic extremism. He tried to interfere in support of that disgraceful Ground Zero mosque. His HASA administer said it was his PRIMARY goal to raise self esteem of Muslims by getting them to realize their contributions to world science. Now the Obama Administration is trying to promote al Jazeera. This all makes it tough for those of us who say there is no real evidence that Obama is a Muslim.

However, despite Obama's constant effort to convince me otherwise, Bill Maher and I (an agnostic myself, which is how I know) stilll agree that Obama has NO religion, oterh than leftist ideology, although we agree he is NOT a Christian. If you call Bill Maher a racist over this (and, of course, me), don't. It would also be my conclusion (I hereby ask Bill Maher to confirm) that Hillary Clinton is NOT a Christian either, as her "religion" is also leftist ideology. Thta, however, did not stop me from supporting her for President in 2008, as the best of the available choices. That is the SHAME of my life: not only that I have raised two feminist daughters, but that I have turned out to be a closet feminist myself.

P.S. Note, as usual, that the above has neither been proofread nor spell checked (my eyesight).

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