Monday, March 14, 2011

Larry Kudlow: Economic Fascist and One of the Stupidest Men on Earth

Yes, another example of this blog being PROVEN right--more right than Rush Limbaugh, in foresight. Yes, I have labeled the people on Wall Street and CNBC as the Stupidest People on Earth, for many years, and I have consistently named Larry Kudlow as both one of those stupid people AND an economic fascist (applies to Cramer, all of CNBC, and almst everyone else in the financial community these days). Meanwhile, Limbaugh occasionally, and stupidly, references the movement of the stock market as meaning soomething: referencing such ovements, only when they happen in a way that he can use for propaganda, as showing how the "smart" people on Wall Street know that Obama economics repreents a disaster for the economy (correct, but the people on Wall Street don't know it). That is on alternate days, when Limbaugh is not--sort of--noting how dumb these corporate/Wall Street/financial people are. Limbaugh is nothing if not INCONSISTENT (because, above all, he is partisan, which is not true of this blog--where principles rule and not mere partisanship).

What is an "economic fascist"? Well, it has almost nothing to do with Hitler, although Hitler adopt3ed the preexisting economic theory (as did, of course, Mussolini) as a supposed doctrine (when what Hitler really believed in was Hitler). "Economic fascism" is a supposed partnership between Big Government and Big Business to control the economy (ending up, of course, being dominated by government, although Goldman Sachs, Big Business, and Wall Streeet people like Kudlow think that they can dominate economic policy in a positive way if onlly the government will listen to them, with Goldman Sachs pretty much accomplishing this domination in the recent short term). Ben Bernanke, Tim Geitner and Henry Paulson (who CREATED our present economic problems) have all done basically what Goldman Sachs told them to do. Okaym you say, but how can you ever PROVE you are right about Larry Kudlow, even though most people would agree with you that he is the sort of stupid Wall Street person who has given Wall Street (correctly, despite Limbaugh) a bad name?

Well, guess what. Kudlow--attempting to spew Wall Street propaganda and stupidity on the really despicable CNBC--said the following: "We are llucky that the human consequences of what happened in Japan are worse than the economic consequences.". Read that again (paraphrased, but accuraget), and realize just how bad it is.

In the first place, it is STUPID. Yes, it is stupid in terms of comparing human tragedy and economics (even though economic problems, like the Great Depression, can lead to human misery). But it is just as stupid in PREMATURELY assessing the economic consequences of what has happened, and is happening, in Japan. Further, if you read betwenn the lines, this is Larry Kudlow AS ECONOMIC FASCIST talking. Kudlow has bought into the present Wall Street view that all governments have to do is act the way Kudlow and/or Wall Street wants them to act, and they can handle any crisis. I can't tell you how stupid that is, and it is completely incompatible with free market theory (the theory havt NO government, or colletionn of individual people, can control economic events better than the free market).

Sure, governments have to act when there is a disaster. But the idea that we know know how to CONTROL an economy to meet any kind of crisis is absurd, and it is one of the false assumptons that make Kudlow one of the Stupidest People on Earth (along with the rest of the economic fascists that gave us the idea, SUPPORTED BY KUDLOW in 2008, that government "bailouts" were necessary to "save" Wall Street (and Kudlow's ass--along with the ass of all of those other stupid Wall Street people who should have been allowed to fail).

But what about the proof that I was right about Kudlow? Read the quote again, and realize lthat it was so obviously the reaction of a stupid, desicable human being spouting Wall Street AGENDA that Kudlow had to almost immediately APOLOGIZE (saying it came out wrong). If you read the quote carfefully, though, you realize lthat there was o way for it to come out right (even if you assume, as I wuld, that Kudlow was ot really meaning to say that we are lucky that it is only PEOPLE suffering in Japan rather than the Japanese economy and Wall Street).

Nope. I have been proven right on Kudlow. One of the best things that ever happened to the Repubican Party is that Kudlow never ran for office as a Republican (once rumored). In fact, the best thing that has recently happened to this country, other than the 2010 election in the House, is that Kudlow has not only never run for significant elective office as a member of EITHER PARTY, but now is unlikelyl to ever do it. In this time of crisis and sadness, we have to be thankful for every silver lining we can find. No, I would not go so far as to say that we are LUCKY that the human suffering in Japan has exposed Kudlow as the man I knew him to be. Kudlow is not that important, except maybe in his own mind. No man is. It is, however, a small plus in an otherwise vastly depressing human tragedy.

P.S. Note, again, that the above has been neither proofread nor spell checked (eyesight). Yes, I could be totally blind, and not be as blind as Kudlow. But that does not change that I cannot see well enough to even make spell checking effective, or worth the time and effort. Your only consolation is that you could be using the time deciphering my articles listening to Kudlow, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, or the rest. I assure you that the worst of my articles is more worthwhile than that.

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