Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Muslim Propaganda: This Blog Gets It Right (Again)

Yes, foresight is the specialty of this blog (not hindsight). You may say it is easy, but that does not explain why so few other peole do it.

Look at Sunday's article in this blog. I spotted immediately, from the AP?Yahoo "News" (boycott Yahoo) multiple stories on my default page, that we were seeing the start of a media PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN against Peter King's hearing as to the extent of the influence of radical Muslims (not ordinary Muslims) in this country. King is also looking into the amount of effort "moderate" Muslims in this country are making to fight the Islamic extremists behind so many terrorist attacks (whether or not individual terrrorists might be "acting alone"),.

Well, I heard on CNN--and you have seen--that this "controversy" (only in the leftist mind) has been a "big story" fthis whole week. Remember, quoting myself on Sunday: "This is obviously the start of a full coourt press by the mainstream media pushing propaganda against this hearing." (paraphrasing myself--read the article).

Yes, I was also right about that AP reference to a "coalitiion of mre than 100 interfaith, non-profit, governmental organizations" "planning" a rally in New York City. I translated that for you a mere propaganda referencing 100 LEFTIST organizations hyping a rally unlikely to be of much significance (unless the AP and mainstream media could do a good public relations job promoting the rally). Well some 200 peole--MAYBE 300--showed up for this hyped "rally". That is TWO or three people per alleged organization. Some "newsworthy" rally, right? Wrong. You might suspect, as I do, that 95 out of those 100 sponsoring organizations operate out of a single post office box. Leftist "organizations" like those 100 multiple like weeds. ACORN alone had some 200 affiliated organizations, which is why you can be sure ACORN is still being funded by the taxpayer (even if the name of the organizationss receiving the money may not mention ACORN)

P.S. Note, as usual, that this article has neither been proofread nor spell checked, due to my bad eyesight.

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