Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan, Wolf Blitzer and CNN: Incompetent Liars on the Liar Network

Yes, I heard Wolf Blitzer say this on CNN: "Americans are heartbroken and devastated over what is happening in Japan."

Nope. that is a LIE, and not an isolated one. For some reason, I have heard nummerous people on CNN use "heartbroken", or a "broken heart", to describe their reaction to what is happening in Japan.

40,000 AMERICANS die every single year on our highways. At the very same time of the disaster in Japan, 15 people died in that bus accident in NYC, and 5 people died today in a highway accident on I-10. Across the Rio Grande, within 5 miles of where I amm typign this in El Paso, more than 3,0000 people a year (39 Americans in the last year) are being MURDERED in the violence in Juarez, Mexico.

Am I "hearbroken", or "devastated", by all of this death? Nope. That would be STUPID, and most Americans (unlike what Wolf Blitzer and CNN think) are not stupid. "Heartbroken", and "devastated", are terms reserved for family and loved ones. It is simply absurd to suggest that they are correct terms for an abstract (even if on TV) type of mass death as what has occurred in Japan. If you are gng to be "hearbroken" by that kind of thing, you will go through your entire life constantly "heartbroken" and "devastated". Death is a fact of life in the world in which we live--and has been ever since there were human beings. I just finished reading Shelby Foote's "narrative history of the Civil War." At Cold Harbor, thousands of AMericans (mostly Union soldiers) died in EIGHT MINUTES (in Grant's suicidal attack at Cold Harbor). In the 30 days that included Cold Harbor, there were more than 50,000 Union casualties, and some 25,000 Confederate casualties. Am I "heartbroken" and "devastated" from reading that sort of thing? No, it just makes me a little sad, and impressed with the sacrifices theat people have made so Wolf Blitzer and CNN can be incompetent liars.

Yes, I know. Some of you will agree with my daugher that this kind of FALSE COMPASSION (no, I don't believe for a moment that Wolf Blitzer was "hearbroken" and "devastated", or realy thinks you should be) is not a big deal. Don't I know that poor Wolf, and the others on CNN, are merely tryng to show their "compassion", even if they are devaluing words in the process. What word do you use for your oyng child drowning, if you use "hearbroken" and "devastated" for what ou see on TV from Japan?

I don't agree that this is nitpicking--making too much out of "understandable" hyperbole. No, it is not the worst thing CNN is doing. But it is really the same thing that CNN is doing on more serious matters. CNN does not care about INFORMATION. Yes, I am sure Fox News--as I have often stated--is committing some of the same "journalistic" crimies. But I have not noticed Fox being so ovious about this false compassion. No, it adds NOTHING to the story to say that mere observers (who have not lost oloved ones, friends, etc.) are justifiably "heartbroken" and "devastated". Absurd, and unhealthy. It whos an inability to tell the truth--instead ALWAYS appealing to overblown emotion and "point of view".

CNN truly is The Liear Network, and totally incompetent. If you can't rely on aanything CNN says to be a real attempt at information, and you can't, then you can't rely on CNN to tell you ANYTHING useful--on the nuclear scare or anything esle.

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