Friday, March 11, 2011

Obama Is Not a Christian: Bill Maher and CNN

You say you have not seen Bill Maher all over CNN explaining that President Obama is a "scular humanist" and not a Christian (on which point Bill Maher and I agree from a position of expertise--although I am a tolerant agnostic while Maher is an intolerant, bigoted agnostic/ateist)? Of course you have not seen Maher all over CNN expounding on tis point, although CNN may obviously have made some mention of it while I was not looking (as I only surf CNN, which shows you that CNN is all propaganda, allof the time, since my examples come from limited surfing of CNN, where it is a rare 30 second view of CNN that does not expose obvious propaganda).

You say that what Bill Mher thinks of President Obama is not "news"? Ah, I would agree with you, but lthat merely shows that CNN is composed of the worst, most dishonest hypocrites who have ever walked the Earth. It was CNN who had Bill Maher on virtually every day--almsot every hour--for weeks talking about his opinions on, and characeer assassination of, Christine O'Donnell. Further, CNN (The Atheist Network, as well as The Liar Network) have Bill Maher a forum to spoiut his views on religion as if those views are "news", or any kind of valuable opinion. That is because Bill Maher and CNN have the same agenda, and CNN is all propaganda, all of the time. YUes, CNN gave Bill Maher a forum --with no real Christian coivces on the other sid--for his own kind of hate speech even before Christine O'Donnell, although CNN mad it crystal clear what it was doing with its attacks on Christine O'Donnell.

And CNN--in its role as The Liar Network--regularly justifies its most outrageous PERSONAL ATTACKS on conservatives with the excuse that it is all about "hypocrisy". Is it not "hypocrisy" for Barack Obama to represent himself as a Christian when he is no such thing? Of course it is. But CNN is not interesteed in featuring Bill Maher in connection with this proposition, because CNN is only interested in promoting its own agenda (all propaganda , all of the time). If CNN is going to present it as "news" that Christine O'Donnell was supposedly a "witch" in high school, should CNN not explore the issue of whether Obama is a dishonest HYPOCRITE--using Bill Maher as it did with Christine O'Donnell? If CNN were honest, this would be true. CNN is not hontes.

No, I don't care whether Billl Maher has "taken it back", or otherwise backed off his claim that Obama is not a Christina. I don't watch Maher. I don't know. But I saw multiple clips where Maher made this--correct--assertion with regard to Obama, and if any conservative had done that with regard to a Repubican--or even Obama--CNN would have been all over it (even if the conservative asserted it was not really a serious allegation).

Nope. CNN is made up of dishonest hypocrites. That is why you have not seen the Bill Maher assertion on Obama treated as the kind of major "news" his every assertion was previously treated on CNN.

P.S. As stated in previious articles, the evidence is overwhelming that Bill Maher and I are correct that Presdient Obama is NOT a Christian---making him a dishonest hypocrite. It was noaccident that Obama TWICE left out "by their Creator" from the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-efident: that people are endowed BY THEIR CREATOR with certain inalieanable rights, among them being the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happinesss." Then there is this campaign quote from Obama at a private San Francisco event: "These people (small town America) cling to their guns and their reiligion, and take out their frustrations on people who are different from them." (or words to that effect). I could go on, but it is obvious to me--as an aganostic--that Barack Obama isnot really a believing Christian, despite his pose to the contrary.

P.P.S. Note, as usual, that the above has neither been poofread nor spell checked (bad eyesight).

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