Tuesday, May 31, 2011

CNN Gets The Weiner, and The (Twitter) Finger (Politico.com, Evil Guest Villains; Rush Limbaugh, Guest Hero)

This blog has reincarnated the old "Laugh In" (Dick Martin and Dan Ropwan) award of the Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate ("the Finger, for short). For those of you who are curious, it ws NOT the hacking into this blog comments of Dick Martin (best not to investigate FROM WHERE) that led me to put this award on hiatus. The same mainstream media organizations were winning every week, and the award just seemed a redundancy. CNN (Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Soledad O'Brien and all of the rest) was one of those mainstream media organizations that RETIRED the trophy. You will remember (if you are old enough) that Dick Martin used to present the Finger by thrusting the statuette of an INDEX finger at th camera to "honor" the recipient for conspicuous stupdity.

Segue to Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner, whose Twitter account was used (by him?) to send a picture of Winer? in a gross pose emphasizing his "package"--only in underwear, I think, although I have deliberately avoided trying to learn all of the details. Yes, it appears to be a BRET FAVRE MOMENT, including the attempt by Weiner (in a rather amazing press conference to avoid answering direct questions about the incident, while suggesting it was a HACKER who hacked into Weiner's Twitter accouont. Have you stopped laughing yet? No, in a lot of ways this is not important (see below as to Rush Limbauh, hero), but the rampant HYPOCRISY of CNN, and the mainstream media, is what made me rename the "Laugh In" award, as I have reincarnated it, and award the first ever combined award of The Finger and The Weiner to ......drum roll, please......CNN for hypocrisy above and beyond the call of duty. Even for partisan hacks, CNN set a new high (low?) in hypocrisy.

You will remember how CNN and the rest of the media HOUNDED Bret Favre in pretty much a nothing (if sophomoric) incident. You KNOW how CNN would have reacted to a REPBLICAN who gave the kind of ridiculous news conference that Weiner gave. Even Alan Colmes could not defend it--making Alan Colmes LESS of a partisan poltical hack than the people of CNN. Well, you ask, how did CNN react? Did it react differently to the suppsed picture(s) that Eddie Long sent out, or the rather disgusting (but not criminal) communications of Republican Foley in 2006? You bet your sweet bippy that CNN reactged differently.

No, I obviously can't tell you how ALL of CNN reacted. It is too much of a sacrifice for me to actually watch HOURS of CNN to find out something like that. But I was surfing by CNN earlier this Tuesday, and I saw the CNN "prty line" (pun intended) seemingly being developed. You have to realize that I did not even know anything abut this story--did not even know it existed. But after listening to a NUMBER of people on CNN for a few minutes, i KNEW LESS (yes, less than nothing).

CNN was talking abut this totally as a HACKING incident. Nothing about a gross, almost obscene picture being sent to a youn girl and the less than impressive "explanation" by Weiner. I assure you, as I tried to figure out what this was about, that I did not get the impression that there was any question about WEINER'S conduct at all. For CNN, it was all about whether the HACKER would go to jail. CNN virtually had a standing ovation for the apparent statement by Weiner that he did not know if he wanted to call in the FBI (have you stopped laughing yet?), because HE (Weiner) would not want to ruin someone' s life over a mere prank. You might remember that CNN was not worried about the "prank" pulled earllier this year on Governor Walker of Wisconsin, but only about the ATTACK CNN could make on Governor Walker blowing the things that Walker said ut of all proportion. These (the people of CNN) are clearly the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four. Imagine Dick Martin THRUSTING "The Finger" at the camera and saying: "CNN, this is for YOU. YouDESERVE it. And you deserve to be the first recipient of the renamed award, THE WEINER (represented by the same statuette). "

I kid you not. CNN almost called Wiener a HERO for not being anxious to PROSECUTE the hacker. I never did understand what the story was even about, until I saw and heard descriptions later in the day (the CNN report was in the morning in El Paso). CNN deserves this award for deliberately HIDING the substance of the story, in addition fo deserving the award for its blatant HYPOCRISY. But this is what CNN and the mainstream media always do. Thre automatic response to a scanda involving a dEMOCRAT, or a left wing organization, is to EXUSE the conduct--by not reporting on the story except interms of the rEACTIONI by the left winger whose conduct is being questioned--and, of course, by ATTACKING the supposed means the story was generated. Too bad Bret Favre did not qualify for this CNN whitewash.

No, it does not even matter whether Weiner did naything "wrong". His reaction was so weird that it hardly seems possibl ehe is entriely "innocent" here. But that is not the point. CNN was UNINTERESTED in the "truth", as they always are. CNN was only interested in AGENDA, and it is for THAT "journalistic" CRIME that CNN is rightly receiving the first combined award of "The Weiner" and "The Finger". And if CNN wants to claim that it is NEVER interested in a story which might be the result of "hacking', or wronguful conduct, then CNN is going to be guilty of MURDER. Yes, I will DIE LAUGHING. These are EVIL people. And I am not talkiing about Anthony Weiner here, although I think he may qualify for the previous things I have heard him say. I am talking about the partisan hypocrites of CNN.

Why is Rush Limbaugh a hero? First, he said on his program today (after I saw the CNN "report", and had no clue wht was going on) that he--Limbuagh--did not "tweet". For that alone, Limbaugh is a hero. This idea that communitcatin in short messages is a "better" means of communication--especailly on serious issues--is absurd. Rush Limbaugh recognizes that, as I do. But he is the one with an audience, and that makes him a hero. He further said that he did not much CARE what Weiner had "tweetd", or this whole deal about "hacking" into Twitter. Limbaugh was right again. It is NOT that big a deal, except for the HYPOCRISY on CNN and other parts of the left.

Yes, you will remember when the son of a Dmocratic congressman hacked into Sarah Palin's email account, and "published" her private emails. Yes, I have previously exposed Politico.com as an EVIL--I mean it literally--lying orgainization. One of the many crimes of Politico was to take those innocuous emails of Sarah Palin and say that she had violated Alaskan law by even having a private email account. Message to Politco: No, I have not fogotten that you people are EVIL, partisan liars. Yes, CNN and the rest of the mainstream media--including Fox--poured over the Paline emails to try to find somehting to USE against Paline. Yes, there is the even more blatant use of STOLEN, CLASSIFIED INFORMATION "leaked" wrongfully.

Nope. CNN has no defense. They deserve this award, as they have deserved it all of the other times they have recceivied it--even before it was renamed "The Weiner" (a name which may or may not stick--I may take a poll and ask CNN to "reportt" the results).

P.S. No, no proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). But the substance of what I put on this blog is so superior to CNN that I would fall on my sword if I were that bad (or as bad as the AP or the rest of the mainstream media). If you want to refuse to report ALL stories like this, fine. But if you are going to be this HYPOCRITICAL, then you have no excuse for existing.

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