Monday, May 23, 2011

Obama, Jobs and Israel: The "International Community" and Obama as "Citizen of the World" (Focusing on International Jobs)

What was probably the most disturbing thing abut Obama's speech throwing Israel under the bus (see previous article)? Right. It was Obama's reference to how Israel needed to cater to the "international community". This, of course, continues Obama's practice of paying more attention to the traditions and values of other countries than Obama does to the traditions and values of the United States. It is not only Israel which should be worried about this. It is no accident that Obama quickly proclaimed himself a "citizen of the owrld" as President, while aPPOLOGIZSING for the USA throughout the world and BOWING from the waste to the king of Saudi Arabia.

Remember how every OTHER week Obama (as Liar-in-Chief) proclaims that almost his sole focus is on JOBS. Then the next week Obama is off on a foreign trip, or suing some state about illegal immigration, or taking some action on homosexual rights. The industrial grade HYPOCRITES of the mainstream media, however, continue to suggest that Repubicans should ONLY talk about jobs, and that they are "distracting" the natiion to talk about anything else. These, indeed, are the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, the despicable AP, Yahoo "News", Fox "News", MSNBC and all of the rest). Notice how Obama deliberately instituted this fight with Israel, just as he is off to EUROPE for a WEEK (even telling Israel that he wanted to be able to defend Israel in his trip to Europe for the G8conference). NO "fouces on jobs" for this President!!!!!

Yes, I am tired of Republicans faiiling to make an issue out of the obvious. Why do Republicans not start talking about how LITTLE Obama is focusing on jobs and the economy, and how MUCH he likes to travel overseas? President Obama has travelled overseas more than any President in my lifetime, and I am 64 years old (not 90, as you may have believed, and onlyl decrepit in terms of my failing eyesight). President Obama clearly ENJOYS travelling--both overseas and on CAMPAIGN trips in the United States--more than he likes the JOB of being President of the United States. And President Obama likes to view himself as (first) citizen of the world more than he likes to view himself as a President pursuing the interests of the United States (or our friends, like Israel).

What is this "international community" to which Obama keeps referring? You know this one. It is mainly a group of dictators, murderous thugs, and vicious thocracies, along with the tired "old world" of Europe that a vigorous America used to pretty much--correctly--despise. You may remember that the United States of America became pretty much the ONLY democratic republic in the world at a time when Europe was still involved with kings, emperors and dictatiors. Yes, the "international community" usually combines TWO of the categories I mentioned in one country--sometimes all three (thugs, dictators and viciious theocracies--to remind you of the categories). It is no accident that LIBYA was on the United Nations "human rights commission" (or whatever lying name it is called), and that SYRIA was cheduled to take its pace on that commission until a stink was raised. Vladimir Putin, of Russia (who lectured Obama and the Democrats, correctly, on adopting the FAILED philosophy of dominant government previosly represented by Communism) is BOTH a thug and a dictator, and has announced that he has decided to again become President of Russia (after "stepping dow" in name only over the previous few years).

What does Obama "mean" by the "international community". Well, in part he does mean that collection of dictators, thugs, and vicioius theocracies. You will remember that, until Obama suddenly embraced "democracy" after having been shwon the way by Arab mobs, that Obama thinks it is arrogant of the United States to consider our way as better than that of others. This is, also, prettty much the view of our HYPOCIRITES in the mainstream media, who will criticize an American evanglical for merely saying that homosexuality is a "sin", while giving Muslims a pass for considering it a CRIME sometimes punishable by death (as the President of Iran proudly announced that he HANGS homosexuals). And you know the general Muslim view of women, which does not keep HYPOCRITE Anderson Cooper from featureing Arab woman after Arab woman as the "face" of the "democratic" protest movement in the Arab world.

Yes, there is that view that the "international" community shoudl run the world, even if they are dictators, thugs and vicious theocrats. That is sort of a leftist article of fait: that the Untied Sates of America takes too much on itself, and is the mains source of evil in the world. But you know as well as I do what Obama and the mainstream media mainly mean when they refer to the "international community". They really mean LEFTISTS who think just like they do: who believe the United States of America should not regard itself as the leader of the world spreading a message of both economic and political freedom, but that the international LEFT should be running the world becsue they are the only "enlightened" people out there. No, this is not a "conspiracy theory". It is a SHARED IDEOLOGY of an international leftist "community" which rejects American traditions and values. Obama regards himself as part of that community, and it is time some Repubicans started saing so.

Jobs? Don't make me laugh. Obama has CONSISTENTLY concentrated on ideology. That every other week speech about "focusing" on jobs "like a laser beam" is merely Obama in his role as Liar-in-Chief.

P.S. If you get the feeling that Republicans should sart telling the mainstream media to take a hike, when those HYPOCRITES start telling Republicans they should not be paing any attention to naything but jobs and the economy, then you have finally notten the meassage. Republicans have to show the cojones of Netanyahu and start PUSHING BACK on this kind of thing by noting how much Obam is out of the country concentrating on the "international community".

P.P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

1 comment:

William Wood Field said...

Indeed! It always struck me as absurd that Obama could claim, for example, to have created or saved 2-1/2 million jobs, and no Republican had the backbone to 1) call him a liar to his face, and 2) to demand a printout of the names and addresses of those so-called jobholders. They let him get away with it. Show me the names or shut up.