Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Netanyahu, Israel and the Anti-American (but pro--Obama, Anti-Israel Associatd Press (Boycott Yahoo)

AP headline hat has been eaturedd ALL day on Yahoo "News":

"Netanyahu, Israel ready to make painful compromise"

I actually saw ALL of Netanyahu's speech, and th eabove headline is an absolute disgrace. Yes, Netanyahu used those words, but NO "news' organizatioin without an genda would consider that even a major point of the speech--much less THE main point. Netanyahu used that phrase to explain that Israel is not an OCCUPIER of Palestine, but that the Jews' ancestral home incudes basically all of Palestine--hence making it a"painful compromise" to give up ANY of the land that constituted the ancestral home of the Jews. This was actualy another REBUKE of Obama, as weas the whole speech, in that Netanyahu set forth terms for peace that he rightly called a "painful compromise" for Israel, but REJECTED Obama's version of a "painful compromoise" (more like a surrender). Here is a much more correct headline:

"Netanyahu gives stirring defense of Israel to standing ovations from Cngress"


"Netanyahu lables Iran as the main Meiddle East threat, and warns of danger of nuclear Iran"

The "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press" (complete, official name) has confirmed that there is o worse "news" organization in ANY UNIVERSE than the despicable AP, because it is impossible to be worse. Yes, this is a headline with a PROPAGANDA AGENDA: that agenda being to defend the indefensible--to defend Obama's outrageous throwing of Israel under the bus in an outrageous poer play branding Obama an enemy of Israel.

Yes, the "anti-American" part of the official AP name comes from SEVEN YEARS of constgant monitoring on my part of the AP--making me more of an exert than any person alive. This particular story is not so much anti-American as anti-Israel, and partisan propaganda designed to bail Obama out of the hole he got himself into with his indefensible speech. Netanyahu actually handed Obama's head to him, and made every sane person wish NETANYAHU was President of the United States instead of Obama. From his condemnation of Iran to his accurate labeling of "militant Islam" as the main danger in the world today (including Iran), Netanyahu was more on target than Obama has ever been. This includes Netanyahu's warning that Arab mobs yelling for "deomocracy" do not mean that democracy and fredom are actually going to occur in the Middle East. As Netanyahu said, the one million Arabs living in Israel are the ONLY Arabs in the Middle East turely living in freedom, while the remaining 300 million Arabs live under REPRESSION (to one degree or another).

No. This headline is an absolute disgrace. Again, BOYCOTT YAHOO, which features these terrible headlines (and articles) from the AP every single day (as AT&T puts on my defaut page, which I leave for the very purpose of monioring Yahoo and the despicable AP).

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bady eyesight)

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