Monday, May 9, 2011

Obama, Liar-in-Chief: Economy, Jobs and Illegal Immigration Deception (Obama Comes to El Paso to Meet Blog Author)

One of those "news" headlines (propaganda headlines) was about how Obama had "reassured" people that his main concentration, focus and priority every day is on jobs and the economy. Is the man a comic genius or what? What you have to admire (or cry about) with Obama is how he feels no need to even PRETEND to tell the truth from one day to the nesxt. Obama has only ONE "priority" right now, and that is to get REELECTED. Every single thing he is doing is geared to that.

Where will Obama be tomorrow? Hint: I live in El Paso, right on the Mexican border. Yep. That is right. President Obama will be in EL PASO tomorrow. Why? A SOCIAL ISSUE (at least to Juan Willkiams, and others in the mainstream media when REPUBLICANS bring it up). According to the El Paso Times, as my mother breathlessly informed me on the phone, says Obama is coming here to "listen" to all of those sob stories about how mothers can't take care of their American citizen children because they can't get citizenship, and other DECEPTIOINS of the pro-illegal immigratioin forces. In no way is Obama "concentrating" on jobs and the economy--except jobs for illegal aliens. And if you want to here REAL sob stories, consider the CHILDREN (and adults) in our siter city of Juarez, Mexico--where there are some 8 murdres a DAY (more than 3,000 last year).

Yes, those who favor illegal immigration (and they do--one of the deceptions being to deny that) are incapable of anything but DECEPTION. In 2006, this blog ran a series of some 30 articles exposing deception after deception in the "arguments" for illegal immigrants and illegal immigration.

One of the key deceptions (the Democrat/Harry Reid "Dream Act) is to USE CHILDREN as a cynical wedge to try to bootstap into amnesty for illegal immigrants. Follow this. Firt, the children be come citizens--sometimes (in El Paso, where my other personally observed it as a nurse in the country hospital) by simply "camping out" (that is, hanging around) the couty hospital until the mother's baby is in the process of being born. Magic. And a major FLAEW in our law. We suddenly have a new American citizen. Or illegal immigrants have babies in this country, paid for by American TAXPAYERS. Again, lMAGIC. We immediatelly have a new American citizen. And--so the "argument" goes--that American citizen now NEEDS HIS OR HER PRENTS (ignoring that the parents can take th echildren to Mexico, where they should have been born in the first place--or whatever country the parents are from). This is absurd and DISHONEST> Did I just call Harry Reid, and most Democrat politicians, DISHONEST? Well, yes, but you already know that.

Annd the dishonesty is led by our Liar-in-Chief. Are you not "reassured" by what is happening tomorrow that Obama's first "priority" is on jobs and the economy? I did not think so.

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