Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ron Paul: Principles, But No President

Yes, this is another example of this blog always being right--although I have a lot of company on this particular prediction and analysis (not so much company with the correct DETAILS of the analysis). Ron Paul will never be President of the United States, even though he is the most principled politician I have ever seen. This blog has told you that repeatedly, over many years, as other libertarian conservatives (albeit I am not nearly as libertarian as Ron Paul) read into Ron Paul what they WANT to hear--as do anti-war people and others who are looking for a different kind of politician. The problem, of course, is that many of these people have little in common with Ron Paul, and little in common with each other, beyond an intense disaffection (which I share) with present-day polilticians AND with "traditional values" (which I do not share). In short, the people who support Ron Paul are NUTS, just like he is, but do not represent a coherent movement (beyond the extreme libertarian movement, with few real--if very passionate--adherents). In contrast, I see Ron Paul for exactly what he is, and still LIKE HIM *without being willng to vote for him for President, except , perhaps, against Barack Obama).

You would not think I would be PROVEN right on Ron Paul, would you, even though I--and others--are so clearly right. Wrong, monkey brain (may a deranged llama defecate on our ice cream--Johnny Carson/Karnak reference). Ron Paul, last week, said that it was a BAD thing for Barack Obama to send those Navy Seals into Pakistan to kill bin Laden, and that Paul would not have done it. Now that is PRINCIPLE. Even I marvel at that much devotion to principle, and even admire it, despite recognizing it as NUTS. You have to admit that Ron Paul has now PROVEN he will never be President of the United states. As I have stated repeatedly, Paul is the ONLY major politician who would dismantle more of the Federal Government than I would (given the chance), but at the same time is an extreme ISOLATIONIST (really a 19th Century concept discredited at Pearl Harbor, if not before).

Look at how Ron Paul has exposed the LEFT, including CNN and the rest of the mainstream media, for the HYPOCRITES they are. Rape and murder a mother and her teenage daughers? Don't despaair. You have SUPPORT on the left--at least for the idea that it would be BARBARIC to EXECUTE you. In fact, a good part of the left might consider you SICK, to be cured rather than punished. Damn right that includes CNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CNN and the mainstream media OPPOSE the death penalty, along with most of the rest of the left, and you merely expose your own agenda and/or ignorance/stupidity if you don't recognize that. Barack Obama condemned Osama bin Laden to death, without a trial. Where are the PRINCIPLES on the left? on CNN? Ron paul has shown those people what PRINCIPLE is all about. I say that as someone who is more than willing to execute BOTH the killer/rapist (:and almost every other murderer) AND Osama bin Laden (yes, without a trial). You can see why the people who support Ron Paul are PASSOIONATE about it--even as you can see that Paul will never be President of the Untied States. As repeatedly stated on this blog--and Ron Paul has again proven-CNN, and most other leftists, are the worst hypocrites who have ever walked the Earth, on two legs or four. They are willing to trade ANY "principle for POWER, because imposeing their leftist beliefs on the rest of us is more important to them than any principle. Ron Paul does not have that kind of arrogant hypocirsy in him. Yes, that is one of the reasons I like Paul much BETTER than I like any ESTABLISHMENT REPUPLICAN, as well.

Doubt me, or Paul (on this rampant hypocrisy on CNN and the rest of the left). Consider the MANTRA of CNN and the left as Republicans threatened to (sham that it was) let DEMOCRATS "shut down" the government rather than keep spending the same amount of money (battle over last year's budget). The CNN (heard them myself) and leftist Democrat "position" was that it was ridiculous to worry over mere BILLIONS of dollars when we face debt and deficits of TRILLIONS of dollars. Dishonest, partisan political hack Jessica Yellen--putting forth the official CNN position--did a "special report" on how the "deluded public" did not realize that Repubicans were only talking about 12% of the budget, while ignoring the REAL "problem" of MEDICARE< SOCIAL SECURITY, and the other "entitlements" (as Obama is creating a NEW "entitlement" to worry about, with ObamaCare). But what was the CNN/leftist Democrat reaction to Repubicans actually proposing to do something about Medicare? What was the CNN reaction to leftist Democrats trying to make a big issue out of WO BILLION dollars in "subsidies" to Big Oil?

Yes. YOu have finally got it. CNN, and leftist Democrats in general (including the rest of the mainstream media, the desicable AP and equally despicable Yahoo "News"), ARE the worst hypocirtes to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four. The AP doess a major headline: "Senate Democrat: Big Oil does not need tax breaks".. CNN playyed the DEMOCRAT "hearing' on Big Oil fo rall it was worth. And CNN, joined by the rest of the mainstream media, is gearing up to support the Democrat election strategy for 2012: ATTACK REPUPICANS ON MEDICARE, WITHOUT PROPSOING ANYTHING SERIOUS THEMSELVES. Will CNN and the mainstream media jump on Democrats for thieir blatant political HYPOCRISY, and blatant refusal to propose any serious "reforms" of Medicare? Not a chance. These are the same people who, in the 2010 election, kept demanding that REPUBICNANS show exactly where they would "cut", but let DEMOCRATS get away with NO BUDGET (not even a proposed budgeg)--the very reason for the fight over last year's budget THIS YEAR in the first place.

No, Ron Paul does not have that kind of hyocrisy in him. It is the best thing about him. In fact, I thijnk it is a SAD (and bad) thing that it is now PROVEN that Ron Paul can never be President of the United States. So long as we, the public, let the mainstream media , and other lleftist Democrats (not to mention establishment Repubilcans) LABEL people with real principles as "extgremists" wh cannot be elected, we are stuck with politics as usual. I WISH I could support Ron Paul for President. I am tired of my country being dominated by the worst hypocrites who ever walked the Earth, on two legs or four, even as no one watches CNN or really believes the mainstream media anymore. No, I would be glad to vote for Ron Paul, even though he opposed the raid on Osama bin Laden That is the kind of "gotcha" thing we have to get over if we are going to stop the hypocrites from telling us we can only have hypocritical politicians elected. Unfortunately, my disagreements with Ron Paul on policy are just oo fundamental for me to support him for President--except, perhaps, against Barack Obama.

No. I am NOT a hypocrite. I am MUCH more likely to vote for Ron Paul against Barack Obama than I ever would be to vote for JOHN McCAIN against anyone. You will note that I did NOT vote for John McCain against Barack Obama, and remain much more willing to vote for Ron Paul than I am to vote for a McCain style establishment Repubican in the 2012 election.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking, as usual (eyesight).

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