Monday, May 23, 2011

U. S. Supreme Court: Accessory To Murder and Rape

Okay. The headline is not completely accurate. It should refer to only five justices of the Supreme Court, who just upheld a lower Federal Court order (Federal judges almost all being made in the mold of Napoleon as far as their dictatorial inclinations and ego) that apparently requires California to release 30,000 (net) from its prison population.

Yes, I include Justice Kennedy in this condemnation, even though he sometimes votes with the four conservativtives. The issue here is whether Federal judges have the Constitutional authority to take over an entire state's prison system, and tell the state how it is going to be run, just because the system is "ovrcrowded" , and federal judges don't like the medical care the inmates are receiving.

Sorry, Justic Kennedy and your four liberal justices, you ARE guilty of tow things:

1. Violation of the Constitution by making yourself, and lower Federal judges, tin horn dictators making a mockery of "democracy" and our federal system.

2. Making yourselves an accessory to rape, murder, and hwo knows how many other crimes by FORCING the release of dangerous criminals. Presumably, they would not even be in prison--with obviously some exceptions--unless they were dangerous, especailly with so much pressure on California to stop overcrowding its prison system.

Yes. This is yet another example of leftist HYPOCRISY (the worst hypocrites ever to walk the Earth, on two legs or four). California COULD build more prisons. But who opposes that? Sure, some "fiscal" conservatives, and ordinary citizens worrried about California spending more money than it has, may oppose more preisons. But I have followed this "debate" for decades, and I can assure you that LEFTISTS almost universally oppose the building of new prisons. Why is that? You know this one. It is because most leftists don't think ANYONE--except their perceived enemies on a political level--should be in prison. That is the dirty little secret here. Leftists woud be trying to get inmates released, and complaining about the considitions, NO MATTER WHAT.

Am I defending the condistions in LEFTIST California's prison system? Nope. They may be fairly bad. But Federal judges don't have the authority to supervise "bad" prison conditions, when we are merely talking about the kind of conditions that have been present in prisons from the beginning of prisons. The Constitution prohiblits "cruel and unusual" punishment. It is ABSURD to suggest that such clause was meant to justify examination by Federal judges of prison CONDITIONS (basent whipping or physical abuse that would be cruel and unsual punishment if only ONE prisoner were involved). The idea that each prisoner in a state prison can calim it is a CONSTITUIONAL vioilation for him to be in an overcrowded cell, or not to have the medical care the ACLU thinks he or she should have, is a PERVERSION of our democratic republic and of Constitutional law. It makes every Federal judge a SUPERVIOSOR of every prison in this country. That is an unconstitutioinal usurpation of power-a rule of dictatorial MEN (Federal judges) and not of law.

Do I mean the headline? Yes, I do. I would be glad to see Justice Kenneddy and the four liberal justices led away in handcuffs ("perp walk") the very first time one of the convicts they have forced to be released kills or rapes someone (or commits another major felony). Yes, I am fully aware it will not happen. But it would absolutely not bother me to see it happen--even before a rape or murder for the violation of the Constitutioin and oath of office that this decision represents.

How do people change prison conditions if the Supreme Court will not allow Federal judges to supervise mere prison conditions? Easy. DEMOCRACY. People VOTE. Activist LOBBY. You may remember that President Obama lamented that the Supreme Court has not interpreted the Constitution to mean that Federal judges can REQUIRE poor people be "helped" in the way that leftists want them helped (back before Obama became President). This idea that Federal judges can simply override democracy because they see a problem that is not being addressed is a truly evil idea. It is an idea--this dictatoriial power of Federal judges to impose their personal views of morality on the rest of us--that threatens to DESTROY our deomocratic republic.

Yes, Justice Kennedy, you can expect this blog to ACCUSE you of MURDER (so long as I hear about it occurring--not a certainty since I don't live in California and can't depend on the media to follow up on this). Yes, you might as well assume that I am already ACCUSING these five justices of the Surpeme Court of murder, since it is inevitable--merely a matter of time--that a convict released under this order will kill someone.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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