Friday, May 20, 2011

Time Magazine Mocks Muslims--Receives Death Threats


"Good Grief, not you again. Can't you even wait for the article before hacking in your two cents on the title?"

"Skip, Skip.... I would wait if you would stop using these obviously FALSE headlines."

"What do you mean, false? My anonymous sources confirmed this headline. You can't really expect me to waste my time reading Time myself. This is the magazine that APPROVED the "philosophy" of the Unabomber in a massive essay. It is not worth reading. But my anonymous sources tell me that Time went out of its way to mock this religious group for ridiculous beliefs--a sincere religious group. Who else could it be but EXTREMIST MUSLIMS--not just al-Qaida, but that stcit version of Islam that led to al -Qaida (see Frederick Forsyth's excllent description in "The Afghan"). This is the strict versoion of Islam TAUGHT in the schools of Saudi Arabia, and in mosques throughout the Arab world. Then there is IRAN, with ists own strict version of Islam, and a President who believes the Holocaust did not even happen. Then there are those 17 virgins, or whatever, waiting for suicide kiillers. These are the people who RIOTED over CARTOONS, and SUCCESSFULLY threatened both the mainstream media and Sourth Park. Surely, that is the only group WORTH mocking for their perversion of religion in the world today."

"Oh., Skip. I am on to you. You are just trying to be sarcastic. Time, CNN N (again) and the rest mocked this CULT basically led by one man that is saying the world ends on SATURDAY. You don't believe this kook any more than I do. You are just being SARCASTIC about how the media cowards are unwilling to gake on irratioinal Muslims the way they are willing to take on irrational CHRISTIANS> You have convinced me your are right on that, but do you have to keep using these false headlines? It got old the first time you did it."

"You mean I shouldn't run the article about how Chris Matthews said Barack Obama is not qualified to be President of the Untied States.?"

"Yes, Skip, I DO mean that. I am sure Chris Matthews did that only in some sarcastically twisted way in your fevered mind."

"Well. I guess you will just have to say thaqt. The article will appear. But back to Time Magazine, and the rest of the media, OFFENDING sincere people who just happen to have a quirky (but harmless) belief. Why should Time Magazine worry about"offending" INSANE, extremist Muslims willing to MURDER over cartoons, or for any number of other insane reasos. And what about the supposed "moderates" in the religion, like in Egypt, who are willing to impose the DEATH penalty for what amounts to HERESY (or whatever comes within the term, "apostasy")? This is a religion that has too many people stuck in the same position as the Catholic Church was stuck in the time of the Spanish Inquistion. This part of the Muslim rfeligion SHOULD be RIDICULED. And I hereby DO ridicule it. It is INSANE in the modern world, and an insult to Allah to boot. You Muslims out thre hear me? Too much of your religion is INSANE, AS PRACTICED in too much of the world. And mainstream media people who are willing to ridicule a porr guy, and his followers, KILLING NOBODY, who sincerely has a religious belief/theory again confirms the mainstream media as the WORST HYPOCRITES TO EVER WALK THE EARTH, ON TWO LEGS OR FOUR> They are willing to MOCK and ridiculue this quriky/kooky, but SINCERE, religioius guy, while they give the EXTREMIST MURDERERS, and those who instigate and provide the excuse ofr them, a complete pass. These are EVIL people (talking aoubt Time, CNN and the mainstream media, although it definitely applies to this extremist version of Islam that goes way beyond al-Qaida). These EXTREMIST parts of the Muslim religioin deserve mockery and ridicule. This poor guy who believes the world will end does not."

"Come off of it, Skip. You are an agnostic--or so you claim. You don't believe the world is going to end. You know this guy is a kook."

"No, I don't believe the world is goig to end on Saturday. And I am an agnostic. But I am a TOLERANT agnostic, and a true skeptic (unlike Bill Maher and so many leftists--INTOLERANT agnostics who are anti-Christian). Talk abut hypocrisy!!!! Look at how many leftists are willing to accept the worst kind of THEOCARCY, in Muslim countires (oh, they are entitled to have their own form of government), while they profess to believe that posting the Ten Commandments in an American classroom is the END OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM---VIRTUALLY THE END OF THE WORLD ITSELF> These people make this religious guy waiting for the world to end on Saturday SANE. "

"Okay, Skip. As I said, you have about convinced me that leftists are hypocritical on this stuff. But you still have to agree that this guy saying the world is going to end is a KOOK."

"Yes and no. Yes, I am ashamed to admit I think he is a kook, even though I would NEVER say so on a "news' program, or put it on the "news" at all. He has a right to his beliefs. And who am I to say he is WRONG? No, I mean it. The despicable Lawrence O'Donnell, of MSNBC, criticized Frnaklin Graham for saying that he DID NOT KNOW if we were at the "end of days". Say what? O'Donnell, you are a stupid hypocrite. Because O'Donnell said he DID KNOW, and that the world was not ging to end. Say what? And wyou call yourself a SKEPTIIC> This is as close to a FACT as any such statement can be: The world MIGHT END on Saturday. Yes, I think the chances are very remote. But if you say it CNNOT HAPPEN, then you are a leftist (or think like one). I am a SKEPTIC in the mold of the Roman philosopher, Lucian. I not only don't know, but I don't know that I CAN"T KNOW. In other words, I don't know that I am right to be skeptical. Leftists are INTOLERANT religious zealots who believe they KNOW, as if some leftist God has told them. And they regard opposition as HERESY. That is what makes them such hypocrites, including almost every single person in the mainstream media"

"Skip. You keep going off the point. No "real" religion believes the world is going to end on Saturday."

"Oh, you poor, leftist sap. Read Will Durant's "Caesar and Christ". Yes, it was arrogaant, and a little bit stupid (because of the same issue that faces this religious "end of the world" guy on Saturday), but the early Christians basically took the position that the Second Coming was IMMINENT--was going to happen sooner rather than later. You can see how they would take that position. Did not Jesus say he was coming back? Did not his followers have a right to believe he meant DURING THEIR LIFETIME? Durant says it reprsents a maturing of the Christian religion to get away from this idea of the mminent end of the world, as well as otherwise making the new religion a "user friendly" religion that everyone could adopt. You see the problem here. Yes, from a POLITICAL point of view, it is a mistake to say the world is going to end tomorrow. It makes you look BAD when it does not happen. As the early Christians looked a little bad when Christ did not quickly return. But what if you really BELIEVE that Christ is coming back sooner rather than later, or on Saturday? Were the early Christians WRONG to believe what they (mostly) did? You can't say that. What you can say is that it was too arrogant, as well as politically inexpedient. Arrogant? Yes, arrogant. How did, or do, Christians KNOW when Jesus Christ is coming back, in the absence of a concrete TIMME TALBE? Where do they get off trying to tell God and Christ what to do, and what they meant? That is the "valid" criticism of this guy--NOT that he is a kook (any more than the early Christians were kooks, although they did probably have more excuse for thingking Christ mean he was coming back SOON)."

"Still, Skip, you have to admit that Time can hardly suffer. If the world ends, they--and the rest of the mainstream media--know that they are going to HELL anyway. And you admit it is extremely unlikely the world is going to end. What do they have to lose? The mainstream media can get audience--readers or ratings--by making fun of this sort of thing. And what do they have to lose?"

"Ah. That is the point, isn't it? What they have to lose is INTEGIRTY. But I forgot. They have none. You are right. They are definitely going to join me in HELL if the world ends on Saturday. Why RIDICULE a sincere religious belief/theory that is not huring anyone the way extremist Islam has hurt so many people? This is OFFENSIVE stuff, and I am offended on behalf of this sincere--if misguided--Christian. Now this guy's followers are not going to burn down CNN's offices, or Time's offices, because they ridiculed the. That is reserved for Muslims threatening anyone who publishes an image of Muhammad, including South Park for making fun of this FETISH (without even showing an image of Muhammad). South Park--cowards that they are--backed down, or at least Comedy Central did. Might--insane might--makes right is the Time credo. We will offend innocuous people if WE THINK WE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT--if, in other words, they are easy victims. Npe. The mainstream media is composed of EVIL people spreading evil. . And no, I do NOT think there is anything wrong with putting out your sincere belief just because it may cause some person or persons to ruin his or her life preparing for the world to end. I don't have any problem with exosing FRAUD. But everything seems to indicatge that this guy has a sincere religious belief. Hehas a RIGHT to tattempt to spread that belief--to convince others. I wil go so far as to say he has a right to do it without ridicule by NEWS peple representing it is "important" by their extensive coverage. Yes, I am telling you this is just another example of anti-Christian BIGOTRY on the part of the mainstream media. No, I am not saying it s bigotry to regard this "end of the world stuff" as kooky. I am saing it is BIGOTRY to give it scuh paly, because what you are realy trying to do is discredit the entire Christian reliion by suggesting that this nut is only slightly more kooky than any other Christian who purports to really believe in the Bible."

"Jesus, Skip." (pun intended) I am sorry I hacked in this time. Are you sure you are not letting your hate for the mainstream media cause you to go over the top?"

"I don't think it is "hate". It is more like bone deep CONTEMPT. But yes, I can let it get to me. Better than letting evil go unanswerfed."

P.S. No proofreading (bad eyesight), as if you did not know from the above.

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