Friday, May 6, 2011

Debt Ceiling and the Mainstream Media: This Blog Hands Them Their Heads Again

Do your remember my articles on the mainstream media--dishonest political hacks all--FRAUD concerning the "deadline" of the debt ceiling?

The mainstream media was presenting propaganda piece after propaganda piece suggesting that there was some sort of hard and fast deadline for "raising the debt ceiling", and that Republicans would ruin the country if that deadline was not met. The INCOMPETENT (because they are dishhonest, along with their natural incompetence) media was almost directly saying that failing to raise the debt ceiling was just like that deadline (somewhat false itself) for shutting the government down, and that the government could not operate unelss the debt ceiling was raised "on time". You--fool that you are--may have thought that I could never be proven right on that, ecause you expect (as I do) that wimpy Republicans willCAVE again. Wrong, buffalo brain (May a deranged yak vomit on you--Johnny Carson/Karnak reference.)

You may have missed it, but Secretary of the Treasury Geitner (gag) "announced" that the "deadline" fro raising the debtg ciling was actually several months away (August 2), because of accounting tricks and supposedly more tax money being received by the Federal Government. I TOLD YOU SO. The "debt ceiling" does NOT "shut down the government". The government is still getting money, and it can still spend the money it gets. Indeed, the government can still BORROW money. It jusst can't borrow any NET money (can't INCREASE our debt). In other words, applying the debt ceiling ("the law", after all) would merely mean that we would be FORCED to do what Obama says he wansts us to do (anyone believe him? I thought not): Live within our means, like normal families with a maxed out credit situation. We would be able to spend only the o=money we have, and not borrow more. Nope. NO "automatic default". NO "shutting down" the government. Just no more borrowing. It would be like going "cold turkey" with a heroin addiction, but it could be done. We might well be better off. But the point is that there is NO DEADLINE where the government implodes. Until the debt ceiling is raised, we merely have to sop spending more than we havee (more, even, than our "credit limit").

But doesn't the debt ceiling eventually have to be raised, since even Repubilcans are projecting trillion dollar deficits? I am afraid so. But as SENATOR OBAMA said in 2006, when he voted against raising the debt ceiling, the debt ceiling has NO MEANING unless it is a signal to impose financial repsonsiblity. In other words, simply "raising the debt ceiling" as a matter of course VIOLATES THE SPIRIT AND LETTER OF THE LAW, and labels every politician who does so as a world class HYPOCRITE (voting for a "debt ceiling" which has no meaning). The debt ceiling is supposed to serve the function of a canary in a coal mine, and WARN us to TAKE ACTION to put our fiscal house in order.

"But, Skip, you can't expect Republicans to actually HOLD OUT for real "fiscal discipline" (Obama's phrase in 2006). It would be political suicide to let the Democrats, and mainstream media, pound Repubicans for putting the country in economic danger."

Ah, you are not such a fool after all. You saw where I was heading. As far as I am concerned, Repulicans are prretty much in the process of committing political suicide by making it clear they do NOT mean what they say. They had this whole drama over "cutting' last year's budget, and it was all a SHAM. Ryan's budget, which Repubicans already have conceded they will not be able to pass (as to those "Medicare vouchers"), does not balance the budget for TWNETY YEARS (balanced budget Amendment, anyone?). Every new Republican hypocrisy, and sham, puts another nail in the coffin of a party--especially an establishment---on its death bed (on life support), even as it is suppposedly riding high. When DONALD TRUMP (joke that he is) can spread FEAR through the politicians of your party (not to mention the media, and Democrats), you know you are truly in bad shape.

Nope. I do NOT give Repubicans a pass to do another SHAM. In fact, I am fast approaching the point of NOT voting Republican in the next electioni. This is no idle threat. I did NOT vote for McCain (although not for Obama either). Republicans are ALWAYS (these days--after Reagan) on the knife edge of lsing me as a voter. And I think there are more people like me out there than Republican politicians want to think about. Yes, you are right again. I hav e little respect for the vast majority of Repubican politicians, and NO loyalty at all to a Republican lParty which has betrayed me again and again. Mitch Danies, this continues to mean YOU (R.I.P. Mitch, politcially--politically you are a dead man walking, and if Rush Limbaugh lets you get the nomination, I will never listen to him again.). Yep. I am saying that I EXPECT the Repubican Party to force REAL, and dramatic, CUTS as an enforcement of the purpose of the debt ceiling. If the Democrats want let them, then I EXPECT Republicans to see just how bad it is to "live within our means' for awhile. If Republicns do not have that kind of guts, then I have no use for them. I anticipate I am not alone. And if the Speaker of the House, and establishment Repubicans, do not like it, they can lump it. They are living in a fantasy world if they think I CARE about their dinky political career, and their unwillingness to jeopardize it with real action.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (eyesight).

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