Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Drilling: Democrat Deception and Republican Betrayal
Stock Market Sanity; Limbaugh and Hannity Fantisies; Lefitst Insanity; and Republican Betrayal
Politico.com: Evil Liars
I have told you before, with concrete examples: The people at Politico.com are evil, letis liars. They became part of the campaign to destroy Sarah Palin, and they have now become part of the comapaign to destroy House Republicans.
Thsi campaign, by the way, tells me one thing, and this is a message to House Republicans: if you give in here, you are giving up on your principles because of a coordinated campaign against you by leftists, the leftist media, and the establishment. In other words, you will be letting yourself be destroyed if you give in. You need to stand frim. You have the pubic on your side. If you fail to stand firm, you will have no one on your side. The "establishment" is yet again trying to assert that there "will be a deal by Friday". You can't let them get away with that. If I were you, I would not let there be any deal by Friday. I certainly would not give into a Democratic deal by Friday. This is not really a digression, because it explains what Politico.com is doing, as it explained what they did when they joined the campaign of personal destruction against Sarah Palin.
Present Politico.com headline: Rush Mocks House GOP."
I have listened to Rush all morning (while doing other things, as I do fairly often). I can tell you absollutely: Politico.com LIES (all caps again necessary). Further, it is a lie that fits with the rest of their material today. They are "all in" against the House Republicans. I went to the website (which I am boycotting) just to confirm the lie, having heard Rush correctly brand it a lie.
Rush has spent all morning (morning in El Paso) PRAISING (all caps again appropriate). the House Republicans as strongly as Rush can praise peole.
Yep. In passing, Rush criticized the House GOP "leaders" somewhat. And Rush said that the House GOP had better reasons than Nancy pelosi's speech to vote against this bailout bill, and that they were courageous for voting their principles. Politico.com LIES. You can't try to twist single sentences out of context, in the course of several hours of PRAISE for the House GOP, and claim to be honest. Politico.com, you are not honest. You are evil liars.
I have said this before Rush (who basically said it today). I say it today. I will say it after Rush. These are dishonest people, and I have no respect for them.
You should pay no attention to Politico.com.
P.S. See my earlier entry about National Review. Rush says he did mock conservatives who are criticizing/mocking House Republicans, and he did. Some of those conservatives are at National Review, where they mocked House Republicans in "The Corner" blog.
Jack Cafferty and CNN (the Liar Nework): Evil Shills for Obama
National Review Online and Sarah Palin: Joining the Leftist "Politics of Personal Destruction"
Illegal Immigration and the Housing/Mortgage/Credit Crisis
Mark Cuban: Leftist Loon
Hank Paulson: "Never Ask a Barber Whether You Need a Haricut" (Cowboy Wisdom)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Hank Paulson: Corrupt Conflict of Ineterest in Wall Street Bailouts
Obama (Bushite) Running for Bush's Thrid Term
See my earlier entry today. But I left out another example of how Barack "World" Obama is clearly a Bushite, running for Bush's third term.
Obama has supported giving 50 billion dollars per year to fight against world poverty, through a program adminstered by the U.N. You will remember that Preisdent Bush has pledged many billions of taxpayer dollars to Africa and Mexico. I am pretty sure Bush would go for the entire Obama proposal, if he thought he could get away with it. His rhetoric on Africa and Mexico certainly indicates he would.
P.S. Obama has changed his tune on NAFTA--saying his promise to "renegotiate" it was something he said in the heat of the campaign, but did not really mean.
Wall STreet Bailout and Immigration: Establishment vs. Public (Exile the Answer?)
Obama Is a Bushite, Running for Bush's Third Term
Wall Street Bailout Failure: Blackmail and Extortion by Wall Street and Leftist Democrats
Wall Street Democrats Lose. How Influential Is This Blog
Paulson and Bernanke: Worst Failures in the History of World Finance?
European Free Market Proponents; American Socialists
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Issues: What Sinkin' Issues?
Read my previous entry.
First, ask yourself whether thaat entry was too harsh. You may well conclude it is, because you are not thinking aoubt this clearly.
Then ask yourself whether the "politics of personal destruction" is an evil corruption of our politics. Everyone, including Barack "Wrold" Obama, says it is. Obama has, in effect, said that CNN, the despicable AP, and the rest are evil for engagning in that kind o fcampaign against Sarah Palin.
Now ask yourself what these attacks on Sarah Palin, including these ridiculous attacks on her "record" as mayor of a small town in Alaska, have to do with the "issues" in this campaign. Yet, the mainstream media is constantly regretting how little attention the important "issues" get. Anyone is that much a sanctimonious hypocrite, as CNN, the AP, an the rest of the marinstream media are, has indeed descended into the realm of super-evil. I am not exaggerating, even if it sounds "harsh" to you.
Now what would the despicable AP say, if confronted with this entry? You know what they would say (if you could get them to even acknowledge the issue). They would say that that it is because Sarah Palin has set herself up as a "reforemer", and hyped her "record", as such, that such minute, hypercritical examination of that claim is indicated. (Read th efirst sentence of the AP article quoted in my previous entry, if you think I am puttin gwords in the mouth of the despicable AP).
Uh-huh (sarcasm). Do you need any more evidence as to what evil, lying, despicable sacks of sanctimonious, hypocritical manure these mainstream media people are?
Have they forgotten good old Barack "World" Obama? He portrayed himself mre of an agend of change, "above politics", than Sarah Palin ever did. And it was untrue, as the record shows. He was a cynical politician in his relationship with Tony Resco. He was a canycial politician in his relationship with Reverend Wright. He was a cynical politician in his relationship with William Ayers. He was a cynical politiician in his entire career in Chicago politics. The evil peple in the mainstream media have been unintrested in that contradiction between reocrd and word. That is because that is not the reason behind the campaign of personal destruction against Sarah Palin. It is the excuse.
Then there is the claim that Obama is a "post-racial" candidate trying to unite the races. That was in direct contradiction to Obama's upport, for 20 years, of anti-American, racial hate monter, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. You remember him? He was the perosn who said the U.S. government ("white Europeans") invented the AIDS virus as a means of genocide against people of color. He is the person who said that the US, government was providing drugs to African-Americans as a means of putting black men in jail. He was the one who said (in a speech to the NAACP in Dtroit with which Obama and other lefttists were perfectly happy) that Africian-Americans and "white Europeans" think and learn "differently". He is the person who blamed the United States for BOTH Pearl Harbor and 9/11, and every act of terror in the world in between (basically calling the U.S. the worst terrorist nation n the World since the beginning of World War II. The mainstream media was uninterested in the contradiction between Obama's words and his support of Reverend Wright.
Nope. There is no question here. This is the evil of the "politics of personal destruction" that the maintream media is pursuing so pervasively. The "excuses" are mere rationalizatioina.
Q.E.D. I am not too harsh. These (mainstream media) are evil people engaging in pervasive eivl.
Sarah Palin Took Home a Paperclip for Personal Use, While Mayor in Alaska
Harry Reid and "Moderates"
I saw Harry Reid on one of the CSpan channels last night (I don't know how I see these things, either, since I never watch CSpan). In 30 seconds he managed to explain completely what is wrong with the Democratic Party these days (plus, to a large degree, what is wrong iwth the Republican Party and the way the country is trending).
Reid said that there is only one "moderate" Republican left in the U.S. Senate (he was referring to Olympia Snow). Translation (for you intellect challenged people out there): "There is only one Republican in the U.S. Senate who consistently agrees with me and my left wing Democratic colleagures.".
In other words, for Harry Reid (This also applies to the maintream media.), the far left "philosophy" is now the "moderate" position in America. That fully explains why "bipartisan", for leftist Democrats, means agreeing with them.
Yet, see my entries over the past few days. Republicans are unable to stand up for conservative principles, even against these hyper-partisan people of the far left who have takien over the Democratic Party.
That means that Republicans have lost their way--have lost their soul. Thus, the country seems dooomed to be turned over to the "tender mercies" of the far let. And they have no "mercy", because they think their far left positions are "moderate". Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have "approval ratings" of about 10%, and yet Republicans are unable to stand up agaisnt them these days with any consistnet approach of their own.
Too bad. At a time when conservatives shoudl be winning by default, the Republican Party has abandoned conservatives--letting Harry Reid get away with calling the conserative Senators who caved to every Big Government addition to the Coummunist Wall Street bailout as being part of the "far right".
As I have said in this blog, conservatives are now exiled to the wilderness, like the Jews in ancient history, and it is unforeseeable when we will be able to return.