Friday, September 12, 2008

Eva Longoria, Pam Anderson, Sex, Treahchery, and Jesus as a Community Organizer (Obama as Jesus)

Eva Longoria (Parker) is another example of how the Hollywood left, the CNN mainstream media left, and the elitist kook left (again an a Unholy Trinity who are ONE) are willing to say the most vicious, TERRIBLE things and then talk about the "Republican attack machine.  Yes, it is yet another example of the sanctimonious hypocrisy and VICIOUSNESS of these people (willing to be religious BIGOTS, SEXISTS, and intolerant PRIGS when it fits their political agenda, while not even seeing their own vicious inteolerance).
And ABC is so TONE DEAF that they are running Ms. Longoria's vicious comment as a PROMO for an ABC award show.  These people--Obama included--are vicious, elitist. clueless, and condescending.  They are CONTEMTIBLE peole, and I just wish they were as aware of how far I look DOWN on them to a greater extent than they look down on me.  Oh, you want to know what Ms. Longoria SAID in the promo?  Well, here it is:
"I have been involved in all of this sex and treachery on "Desperate Houewives" for the past 4 years, and I did not even realize that it qualifies me to be Vice President". 
Remember the OTHER DEmocratic/leftist joke going around (insulting Jesus, Christians, Palin AND governors--all 50 of them, in addition to past ones):  Barack Obama was a community organizer, like Jesus.  Pontius Pilate was a governor."  Anyone who thinks the most important thing about Jesus is that he was a "community organizer" (not really even accurate in any sesne), is beyond help.  Certainly no such person is a CHIRISTIAN (whatever they say about themselves).  Now Democrat Steve Cohen, of Tennessee, who was the Democrat who used this "joke" in the House of Representatives, has the (sort of) excuse of being Jewisth, but Jews should know as much about the significance of Jesus in history as anyone.  My understanding is that Jesus is a prophet in the Jewish religion, but just not the Messiah (that would wait for Barack "World" Obama).  I admit I do not know enough about the Jewish religion to be sure of that, but since Jesus was bron a Jew and "founded" the religion which has been one of the foundations of Western Civilization, Jews should be more aware than most how ridiculous it is to refer to Jesus as a "community organizer".  I think it is a legitimate question:  Does Steve Cohen evern really BELIEVEin the JEWSIH religion?  Is it not more likely that he fits my view of leftists:  LEFTISM is their real religion.
Now we get to the EXPLANATION (as usual, WORSE than the original statement).  Steve Cohen said that he did not mean to compare Obama to Jesus Christ.  That was not even the most OFFENSIVE part of the comment.  The most OFFENSIVE part of the comment was to call Jesus (you know, the reputed Son of God) "a community organizer".  The SECOND most offensive part of the comment was to call Palin (and really ALL governors) "Pontius Pilate".  The refrence to Obama as "Jesus" was merely leftist arrogance and eltism--not exactly OFFENSIVE, on the level that the rest was OFFESIVE.
Back to Eva Longoria and ABC's assumption that what she said is "clever". 
Is there ANY evidence that Sarah Palin has been involved in "Desperate Housewives" type sex?  Nope.  Is there ANY evidence that Sarah Palin has been involved in "treachery"?  Nope.  In fact, the evidence is that she FOUGHT corruption in Alsaska.  So WHY is this funny. It is LIBEL.. It is FALSE.  It is a Big Lie.  It is VICIOUS.  These are the sanctimonious hypocrites who say we soul talk about "issues", and then MAKE UP a FALSE template of personal attacks.
Pamela Anderson (being asked about a picture of Sarah Palin with a bear skin rug on the floor):  "I can't stand her.  She can suck it".  Now THAT is rational argument on the issues.
Again, ABC is the network who is putting ITSELF behind the FALSE insults of Eva Longoria.  These are the peole who say that it is WRONG to make up that Obama has Muslim family connections, and history.  K agree that the Obama Muslim association is a SMEAR, but there is MORE evidence for it than therei is for what Eva Lonoria said  Where are the JOKES about how Obama is a SECRET MUSLIM. 
Nope.  I wish I had stronger words than "sanctimonious hypocrites", and "evil", for these people.  "Contempt" is also too weak a word for what I feel for these people  (especially the mainstream media, as what can you expect of the people in Hollywood).  I do NOT have ANY RESPECT for these people.  NONE.

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