Wednesday, September 17, 2008

McCain: Proven Reformer Standing Up To His Own Party When It Could Have Saved the Economy

"McCain Proven Right:  Federal Housing Regulatory Reform Act of 2005"
The above is my headline from a blog entry below.  You can read the entire entry if you want further context.  The point of this entry is to promote the COMMENT to that previous entry, and my reply, to a full, separate blog entry. 
I think that this comment, and my reply, do more than just show how leftists seem unable to get the point.  They show, better than any campaign ad, how McCain has an actual RECORD of standing up to his own party, as well as thd Democrats, while all Obama has are words.  Yes, McCain is also the one with the RECORD of "reaching across the aisle" (usually to my displeasure), while Obama has.........words.  Here is the exchange of comments from below:
Comment from wraithx9x | Email wraithx9x
9/17/08 4:48 PM Permalink
"Serious question. How in the hell did the Democrats block McCain’s Housing reform bill when they never saw it? That bill never saw the light of day because it never made it past a Republican committee. The house never voted on it. The Senate never voted on it. The bill wasn’t even debated. So again, how did Obama or the democrats block it? This information is right on a government website.

Do you actually research this stuff or are you just a sheep? It's amazing how ignorant and stupid people are in this day and age."
My reply:
Serious question to person making comment:  Do you always let your agenda completely overwhelm your intelligence?  

1.  Where is the evidence that OBAMA did anything to FIGHT for reform of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.  Maybe if Obama had FOUGHT (uniter, instead of a leftist divider) with McCain, the bill would have gotten somewhere.  The bottom line here is that you AGREE that McCain was doing his best to do the right thing, and was prescient as to what would happen if reform was not accomplished.

2.  There is no such thing as a "Republican committee".  All committees have Democrats and Republicans.  What happens if Democrats decide to "block" a bill, and have some "good old boy" establishment Repubicans on their side?  The bill fails.

3  If Democrats were so much in faovor of "reform", where is the evidence that they GOUGHT with McCain to get the bill out of committee?  They were too interested in protecting their cronies in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack.  Barney Frank and Chistopher Dodd are notorious for oppsoing reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.   It is Clinton crony Franlin Raines who drove Fannie Mae into the ground.
4.  You show your ignorance by concentrating on the lack of a "vote" in the US.Senate.  The whole idea of people opposing a bill in the U.S. Senate is to STOP it fromo ever coming to a vote.   Even in the House, that is the idea, but you have to have a majority to accomplish this in the House (as Nancy Pelosi on drilling).  A minority can stop a bill in the Senate--can stop even a VOTE on a bill.  Have you ever heard of a "filibuster"?  In modern practice, a "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" filibuster is not even required. If the votes are not there, a bill is just never brought forward.

5.  At most, you can quibble on the phrase "Deomocrats blocked".  I said in the enttry that they joined with Republicans.  Obama did NOTHING (as usual).  Serious questioni:  Do you agree that I am more honest than you are on the fundamental credit that should go to McCain here, and the discredit that should go to Obama=?

6.  Say that you are totally right and that REPUBCLICANS were never going to let McCain's bill go through, even if Democrats had not opposed it.  If DEMOCRATS had truly been for the bill, and joined forces with McCain, I doubt this is true, but assume it is.  Does that not give MORE CREDIT to McCain?  Just like he says, he FOUGHT the status quo in BOTH PARTIES.   Obama did not.


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