Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama and Race: I ACCUSE

See the entry a day or two in this blog on "Obama and Race", as I was ahead of the curve (as usual).
I quoted Jack Cafferty of the "liar" network, CNN, talking about race as the "biggest issue" in this campaign.  Since the evil liars, including Cafferty, at CNN (plus MSNBC and the rest) are the first to be clued in on Obama "talking points", I knew we were about to get a major push as Obama "played the race card".
Today confirmed it.  The governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius, was out there today as an Obama surrogate selling the idea that the only reason that the Presidential race is so close (when we know the man who is "like Jesus"--see recent entries in this blog--"should" be way ahead) is because the people even thinking of voting against Obama are RACIST HICKS.  Okay, she did not put it quite that way, but it is what she meant.  She was clearly trying to intimidate people into voting for Obama BECAUSE OF HIS RACE, by suggesting that people who vote for McCain are tainted with racism.  Further, when an attempt was made to clarify exactly what the governor had said, it was indicated that permission to talk about that was a matter for the Obama campaign.
I ACCUSE.  The reference is to Emile Zola's "letter to the Republic" on the Dreyfus affair.  I accuse Barack "World" Obama of "playing the race card", deliberately and with malice aforethought. 
I accuse Barack "World" Obama of deliberately asking people--indeed trying to intimidate people--to vote for him BECAUSE OF HIS RACE.
That, alone, is enough reason to vote AGAINST Barack "World" Obama.  No, I am not talking about voting against him because of his race. I am talking about voting against him because he cynically is "playing the race card"--trying to intimidate people to vore for him BECAUSE OF HIS RACE.  I accuse Barack "World" Obama of deliberately using this same tactic against Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. I think this new development has proven that the attacks on HIllary Clinton were a deliberate tactic by Obama.
I ACCUSE Barack "World" Obama of being unfit to be President of the United States.
P.S.  You may think it is arrogant of me to (impliedly) compare myself to Emile Zola.  Let me asure you of one absolute fact:  I am closer to Emile Zola than Obama is to Jesus Christ.

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