Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bad Health Care and Bad Food: Leftists and Insanity

One definition of insanity:  Doing the same thing over and over again with the EXPECTATION (not just hope) of a different result (from the consistent, observed result).

Leftists are insane.

While I was in Boston visiting my two daughters, I saw another item which proves this statement.  The Senate has decided to PRIVATIZE the Senate "restaurant" (food services).  That is, the DEMOCRATS in the Senate have decided to take the running of food services in the Senate from public bureaucrats, and put it in private hands.

WHY?  You should know that.  The Federal employees that have been operating the Senate operation have managed to LOSE MONEY every single year, excluding a couple, and THE FOOD IA TERRIBLE. 

Meanwhile, the House "outsourced" its food service to a PRIVATE management firm in the 1980's, and people have been going from the Senate side to the House side to eat.  The food is a LOT better.   Plus, the House food service has MADE MONEY (rather than being a constant drain on the taxpayers).

What is new about this?  NOTHING.  Remember Katrina?  Was it President Bush who really "failed" in Katrina, or was it the Federal bureaucracy?  Time after time, the Federal Government PROVES that it is incapbable of operating efficiently, economically, and with accoutability.

Yet, what is the leftist "solution" to all of our problems (health care, and everything else)?  Right.  MORE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

Q.E.D. Leftists ARE insane.

See the previous entry in this blog about one of  the fundamental beliefs of conservatives--a REDUCED Federal Goverfnment (in size AND power).    Conservatives are SANE. 

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