Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Missing Alaskan "Hikers", ANWR, and Oil Dorado: Indiana Jones, Where Are You?

Even I am not QUITE crass enough to do this entry if the missing hikers in Alaskan wilderness had not been found ALIVE.  You may not find it funny.  However, hiere is my reaction:

Burning question:  DID they (lost "hikers"--really undercover agents) locate that SMALL portion of ANWR--that small desert of ice and snow equivalent to the PRISTINE sands of Saudi Arabia--which Democrats have declared LOST?  You know.  That icy wilderness under which all of that OIL lies--the LOST "city" of OIL Dorado. 

See the recent review of "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" in this blog (last week).   I was NOT that favorable about the movie.  I now know the reason.  The movie MISSED THE WHOLE POINT.  The crystal skull was supposed to be returned to ANWR--to Oil Dorado.

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