Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mexico: A Failed Country

The daily stories about violence in Mexico, and especially Juarrez, Mexico, continue IN EL PASO MEDIA (I live in El Paso, acress the Mexican broder from Juarez).

In the last day or two there was a story of BANNERS being raised (and immediately taken down) complaing of drug cartels in Juarez.  In the same story, there were references again (as there are almost every day) to a drug cartel WAR spiraling out of control.  There are MULTIPLE murders every day.  In that story, there were references to "daylight gun battles" on Juarez streets.   There was the usual reference to more bullet riddled corpses being found, including serveral in a bulltet riddled car.

The news here in El Paso constantly refers to the "powerful Juarez drug cartel".  It is pretty clear that this drug cartel (or fighting drug cartels?) is running Juarez right now.  And there is violence all along the Mexican border--even throughout Mexico.

TODAY'S early storly in El Paso is about how the security "lockdown" has been slightly relaxed at R.E. Thomason General Hospital (the El Paso County Hospital) has been lifted, although security remains high.  That was the security lockdown imposed when two Mexican policemen were rushed to the hospital after having been SHOT in Juarez.  I presume, without knowing for sure, that the care received by those policement is being PAD for, unlike the care provided for (most) illegal immigrants.

Has all of this phased the leftist "open borders" crowd (which includes Barack Obama, and comes close to including John McCain)?  Of course not, even though it highlights both the security and REFUGEE (as people flee from a failed country) problem we have along the Mexican border.  Aided by their allies in the mainstream media, leftists want to IGNORE illegal immigration and the problems in Mexico making it essential that we secure the border AND discourage people from believing we will not enforce our immigraton laws (with the powerful incentive they have for leaving their own FAILED country, people are NOT going to be stopped by security measures at the border alone).

After the despicable Associated Press, and AOL , have IGNORED the deteriorating situation in Mexico, was there any further way for them to show how DESPICABLE  they really are?  Sure there was.  Never underestimate the truly despicable AP (or AOL).  Here is what the despicable AP, in an AOL featured story, considers "important" "news" from Mexico:

"Mexico makes an emergency appeal to the U.N.'s highest court in a bid to stop the execution of its citizens in U.S."

Q.E.D.  Do you have any doubt that the despicable AP opposes the death penalty and supports open borders, and is interested in PROPAGANDA in support of its own agenda instead of "news".   You shouldn't have any doubt. 

P.S.  Are you sorry for the people in Mexico?  I am too.  It is not a matter of the PEOPLE being automatically bad people.  After all, El Paso is coposed of mainly the same ehntic group, and El Paso is still not a bad place to live.  It certainly is not having the type of problems that Juarez is having.  It is the SYSTEM in Mexico that has FAILED--the COUNTRY that has failed.  While you can always argue that the people are ultimately responsible for their country, history makes very clear that cuontries can fail, as their people allow things to get out of control, even though the people are capable of better things.  Look at Germany and Japan.  However, just because the people of Mexico are generally good people, that does NOT mean that WE can solve Mexico's problems FOR MEXICO.  It especially does not mean that WE can handle all of Mexico's poor (and not just poor).  We can only destroy ourselves trying to do that.  Yet, that is EXACTLLY what "open borders" leftists want us to do.  It is too bad John McCain and President Bush have FAILED the Republican Party on illegal mmigration.  Thus, you will NOT hear John McCain (or President Bush) making a speech about how we can't solove MEXICO'S PROBLEMS, describing how bad it has become in Mexico (to the extent that people in El Paso are being advised to exercise CAUTION in going to Juarez).   Iraq (where things are now going pretty well, even if progress is still fragile) is NOT the problem for Repubicans.  The problem for Republicans is the inability to even take advantage of the most obvious issues (including gay marriage), because there is no longer a coherent, consistent conservative philosophy in the Republican Party "establishment".  I will go further.  There is not even a RATIONAL, coherent philosophy in the present Republican establishment.  It goes without saying that the Democrats are WORSE, but they, at least, have a rather consistent (if disastrous) philosophy.  

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