Saturday, June 14, 2008

Environmentalists: Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate Points at YOU

Yes, the Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate was left to spin while I was visiting my daughters in Boston.  You will recall that I have rescued "the Finger" (represented by a statuette of an INDEX finger) from the scrap heat, after its original fame on the old "Laugh In" TV program--where, for a time, Dan Rowan and Dick Martin would present "the Finger" to an example of stupendous stupidity that became manifest during the previous week. 

"The Finger" began to spin so violently these past two weeks, as it was not allowed to stop for a "winner" last week, that smoke began to come from it, and the fire department had to be called (luckily, I have a son-in-law who is a fire fighter).  "The Finger" was obviously overstimulated by the stupities rising to a crescendo out there regarding gasoline and the envrionment--not to metion the economy in general and the envrionment.  See the entries all this week as to the insanities out there that have become the ESTABLISHMENT view:  the view that we HAVE to sacrifice our economy, and our economic well being, on the alter of environmentalism.

Yes, I am talking about RADICAL envrionmentalists here.  But that is the problem.   The radical environmentalists have so succeeded in co-opting the media, politicians, leftists in general, and the very way that both arguments and the "news" are freamed, that the AGENDA of radical environmentalists is rapidly consuming our country and our lives.

That is why "the Finger" got so excited.  It is not JUST those kooks who regard humanity as a disease on this planet who are putting this stuff out.  It is those who regularly get "the Finger" most excited, adopting the same kook view that we have to destroy our lives to "save" the planet:  the mainstream media; politicians such as Barack Obama and John McCain; the Democratic Party (having been essentially taken over by the radical environmentalists, as well as far leftists in general); and leftists seemingly controlling the way all of this is discussed from academia to the media to the supposedly neutral, skeptical public output of "scientists".

As I have conclusively shown before, radical environmentalists are NOT INTERESTED in "energy independence", except as an ARGUMENT to stop us from using/producing oil.   What leftist environmentalists WANT is for us to STOP using oil products.  They would want that whether we were getting oil from foreign countries or not.  Further, they want that, regardless of the PAIN it may cause to people in this country (especially "the poor"), as our economy is sacrificed on this alter of environmentalist agenda.

It follows that envrionmentalists do not WANT the price of (petroleum based) gasoline to drop.  They don't WANT oil produced which might have the effect of dropping the price.  They are not even interested in reducing DEMAND in non-coercive ways (such as simply REDUCING the amount of gasoline and energy comsumed by the Federal Government).  You will note that the old Carter ideas of a lower speed limit and uncomfortable thermostat settings have NOT been revived.  That is because radical environmentalists have raised their sights.

They now want to TAKE OVER the entire economy, and have become part of a general leftist conspiracy to use "environmnetalism" to do just that.  They want the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to tell you what kind of vehicle you can drive.  They want the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to stop the production of oil, and really other carbon based fuels, in this country.  They want the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to control the LIGHT BULBS you use.  They want the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to tell truckers what engines and fuel they can use, as well as the general public, no matter how much it raises the cost of transportation (and therefore the cost of everything else).  They want the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to decide what forms of energy shoud be used throughout the economy, and how that energy should be produced.  They want the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to use "global warming" as an excuse for a virtual FEDEAL takeover of the way industry operates, in a way that provides more government REVENUE for leftists to use--both directly and through extra revenue to be generated for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 

All of this has become crystal clear in the past two weeks--as if it were not clear before.  But "the Finger" was no longer able to ignore it.  The smoking "Finger" came to a violent HALT, in a special effects EXPLOSION (see my reviews of "Indiana Jones...." and "Iron Man" this week--this blog wants to keep up with the times)--pointing directly at the environmentalists as the people now MOST responsible for threatening ruin to this country.  They are the people MOST responsible for rising fuel AND rising food prices.

You know those pristine sands of Saudi Arabia, with their fragile desert environment?  How DARE we commit environmental desecration and DRILL FOR OIL in those pristine envrionments?

You say that the above parragraph is ABSURD.  I agree with you.  However, that is EXACTLY what environmentalists are really saying with regard to Anwar.  Anwar is a DESOLATE WASTELAND OF ICE AND SNOW.   There is NOTHING there.  There are few animals there.  It is "pristine" ONLY in the limited sense that the sands of the Sahara desert are "pristine"--in the way that ANY environment is "pristine".  That is, of course, the point.  Environmentalists do NOT want drilling for oil in ANY environment.  They don't want oil to even be USED. 

But did I not just say that environmentalists have succeeded in making this INSANE view the ESTABLISHMENT view in this country?  Yes, I did say that.  But the ESTABLISHMENT view is NOT the same as the MAJORITY view.

For example, a MAJORITY of people in this country are evidently not willing (rationally and intelligently) to spend ONE PENNY more on gasoline to try to diminish "global warming".  Yet, politicians, and the increaslinglly left leaning "elite" in this country--mainly Democrat, but including many Republicans like McCain, who referred to Anwar as "pristine", are acting like they don't CARE what the majority thinks.  In fact, they don't.  They want to FORCE society into their image of utopia, and they DON'T CARE if the economy suffers.  They have "higher" goals.   You can't oppose drilling in Anwar and even be called SANE on the issue of oil production and gasoline prices, but that is the ESTABLISHMENT view of these people.  You can't be called SANE and favor this ridiculous TAX system represented by "cap and trade" on carbon emissions, which will not only ruin our economy but ENABLE every SCAM that ingenious individuals can devise to MAKE MONEY out of the ridiculous amoung of money that will be floating around because of the regulations that would be produced under that central planning "progaram".

Nope.  NEVER has a group deserved "the Finger" more.  Again, see the numberous entries this week, and the entries in the archives of this blog. 

As I have noted before, there is a case to be made that the environmentalists push for a crash program on BIOFUELS is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.  One U.N. official so labeled the global push for biofuels, because it threatened to take food out to fthe mouths of the poor (as is happening).

Are environmentalists, in their own way, more DANGEROUS to humanity than the Nazi war criminals convicted at Nuremberg?  I would not bet against it.  They are not directly so evil, but the CONSEQUENCES of what they are doing may end up killing more people than the Nazis.  They certainly are doing their best to ruin the greatest economy the world has ever known (ours:  the United States of America). 

It has been well established that ethanol is a SCAM that ultimately causes MORE carbon emissions.  Sources as leftist as Time Magaze and the New York Times have indicated as much.  The same can be said of biodiesel.  The FECREAL mandates to use these "alternative" energy resources--not to mention mandates to use less efficient engires--have increased the cost of gasoline.  Meanwhile, environmentalists have STOPPED most drilling in and around the United States; have STOPPED the builiding of nuclear power plants in the United STates; have STOPPED the builiding of new refineries in the U.S.--including recently Kansas, under the leadership of a leftist Democratic Governor; and have STOPPED any further development of shale oil.  Their "solution" to skyrocketing gasoline prices is more TAXES (to get more money for their GANENDA rather than to lower gasoline prices), and to favor FORCING the use of MORE EXPEWNSIVE, less efficient alternative energy.    Not least of the problem here is the ASSAULT ON FREEDOM.  What has more affect on your freedom?  Is it the government monitoring international communications or the government telling you what kind of car you have to drive, and what kind of LIGHT BULB you have to use?  If you answer that it is more of an intrusion to possibly have your international communication monitored, then you are an INSANE leftist.  Your intellect is simply not functioning.

Award ceremony:

Imagine here a virtual presentation, IN THE IMAGINATION (this blog does not do video special effects--having not yet advanced that far down the road of present Hollywood movies and YouTube vides).

Imagine Dick Martin presenting "the Finger" to the Sierra Club--accepting the award for the environmentalists--with Dick Martin THRUSTING "the Finger" statuette at the camer and saying:  "Environmentalists, this award is for YOU;  You DESERVE it for your efforts to make the Earth safe FROM humanity."

P.S.  I have made this disclaimer before, but make it again.  This award is "inspired" by the old "Laugh In" award, and I use the image of Dick Martin presenting "the Finger" statuette to the camera as a visual aid to the imagination.  However, as I would think is obvious, I am NOT suggesting that anyone involved in "Laugh In" would approve of the "winners" I am choosing for this reincarnation of the award (and no such person is connected with this blog, or in any way with the way I have reincarnated their idea).  I especially am not suggesting that Dick Martin would approve of what I am doing.  I don't KNOW that he would not, but I am well aware that most "entertainment" types are more likely to agree with the insane envrionmentalists than with me.  So I don't suggest at all that Dick Martin would endorse my reincarnation of the award, or any of the winners I choose.  This award is merely my way of trying to provide an entertaining way of highlighting what I regard as the major stupidities in the world today.   Martin should appreciate, however (wherever he, or his spirit, may be), that I like the image so much of the way he presented "the Finger" that I invoke it to try to create the image in the reader's mind of the presentation of this award in the imagination.

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