Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pro-Terrorist Comments From AOL

Continuing my occasional policy of importing comments from elsewhere on AOL (for lack of many on this blog itself), I am posting below a comment appearing under the AOL stroy referenced in the previous entry (appearing, in fact, right after my comments on the same board under the same story).  Remember that the story is about one of those endlesss investigations by DEmocrats in Congress into our interrogation of TERRORISTS, and NOT about Iraq.  Here is the revealing leftist comment, and my response:

skip3366 12:25:17 PM Jun 17 2008

"these "terrorists" are just people like you and I who want a decent living and who want PEACE ...thats the REAL WORLD the Koran do not teach violence ..with our troops in there still continiung chaos .. it will create more enemies"

Absoulutely, objectively WRONG. I realize that for leftists this is ALL about Iraq. Except this is NOT about Iraq.

The THREE (cout-em, THREE) instances of known waterboarding occured AFTER 9/11. Al-Qaida is omposed of TERRORISTS. The 9/11 attacks were attacks by TERRORISTS. To say that these terrorists want "peace" is to enter the Big Lie realm of George Orwell's "1984".

Even in Iraq, which again has noting to do with interrogation of TERRORISTS, what do you call people who BOMB innocent women and children to TERRORIZE? You call them TERRORISTS. By definition, that is what they are.

If those are "people" just like posters on this board, then the people posting are TERRORISTS.   You can argue whether any U.S. action is rigth or wrong. However, nothing the U.S. does can make the TERRORISTS other than evil people. Anyone who fails to realize that is unworhty of being listtened to.

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