Thursday, June 19, 2008

Iran Propaganda and the Despicable Associated Press

As I have told you before, the despicable Associated Press, and AOL, are reliable distributors of anti-American propaganda--whether originating with al-Qaida, leftists, Hugo Chavez, Ahmadinejad (President of Iran), or any other anti-American source.  Let ANYONE attack the Bush Administration, and the despicable AP is up and running--joined by AOL.  If you remember, the despicable AP faithfully reported the endrosement by Hugo Chavez and his government officials, WITH QUOTES seriously presented as worthy of being treated as "news",  of the leftist conspiracy theory that President Bush was complicit in 9/11.

And there is at least one person who dared to bring up the "Swift Boat" ads against John Kerry as spreading outrageous untruths.  Compared to the despicable Associated Press, and AOL "News", the Swift Boat veterans were models of responsible journalism.

The despicable AP proves it every day.   Here is tonight's example, featured (as usual) on AOL:

"TEHRAN, Iran (June 19) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday accused the United States of plotting to kidnap and assassinate him during a visit to Iraq, state media reported."

WHY is this "news"?   Is the despicable (no news organization on this planet, or on any planet in any universe is worse) Associated Press citing the Iran state media as a reliable source?

You say that this kind of statement needs to be reported so that we know the crazy stuff this guy is saying?  Not so.  I say, much more accurately, that if that is the reasoning the despicable AP needs to be reporting the truly evil stuff that the President of Iran routinely says IN IRAN.  The despicable AP does not do that. 

We are back to the AP spreading anti-American PROPAGANDA from Iran.  That should not surprise anyone.  Anti-American propaganda is what the despicable AP (not to mention AOL) DOES.

P.S.   Note especially the way the AP/AOL paragraph I quote above ends:  "...state media reported."   NIce of the AP to include Iran state media in the fraternigy of "journalists", just as good as the AP.   Come to think of it, the AP has lurched, by accident, into the TRUTH.  Iran state media IS at least as good as the AP.

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