Sunday, June 29, 2008

Illegal Immigraton: Obama and McCain

Part of the "news" the past few days has been this story over whether it is Obama or McCain wwho can DECEIVE the most of illegal immigration.  I think Obama is ahead, but it remains close.

They both made speeches befor an Hispanic organization this weekend.  As we all know, Obama is not really popular with HIspanics (Hillary Clinton won that class of voters).  Therefore, Obama decided to attack McCain to help himself with Hispanics (expecting his usual helpful press from the mainstream media pro-Obama PAC).   Therefore, Obama accused McCain of abandoning the "change"  (lol) of "comprehensive immigration reorm", because JcCain started talking about "securing the border firs" whem he was in trouble in the Republican nomination fight (without ever changing his assertion that the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill was the correct policy).  By attacking McCain on this, Obama risked exposing that Obama is an "opern borders", leftist who does not want any real enforcement of immigration laws.  Indeed, McCain immediately attacked Obama for faovring "killer" LEFTIST amendments which made it more difficult for McCain to forge a "compromise", which were MORE LENIENT toward illegal immigrants than even McCain wanted to be (although you get the feeling McCain was willing to accept almost anything which would get the bill through, but these amamendments made it harder because they made it ven more obvious that the goal here was to REWARD illegal immgiration.   This "firght" over who wants to help ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS the most would be FUNNNY, if it were not such a sad commentary on the present state of our politics.  I will translate for you (azs the mainstream media will not).

Translation (needed because those who want NOT to enforce our immigration laws are all about DECEPTION--as I conclusively showed in more than FIFTY entries in this blog--see archives--under the general heading of "illegal immigration deception"): 

Obama is for the leftist Democrat policy of "open borders" (NO effective enforcement against illegal immigration, now or in the future) now embodied in the policies of "sancutary cities" like Los Angeles, San Francisco and New Haven (Yale).  Obama uses "comprehensive immigration reform as a DECEPTIVE term to conceal that his party has no intention of enforcing immigration laws (Obama eventualy revealed that he pretty much though the SAME as Hilltary Clinton ondriver's licenses--Clinton's confused answer on Governor Spitzer's proposal to give illegal immigrants driver's licenses probably costing her the nomination).  This is NOT "change".  It has been essentially President Bush's policy.

McCain faovrs amnesty too, and--unlike Obama--has been willing to "reach across the aisle" to get it.  He has merely changed EMPHASIS (more deception) in recogniton that the PUBLIC is AGAINST amnesty--at least until we PROVE that we can STOP all further illegal immigration (which we can't do if we encourage it with ANY kind of amnesty anytime in the near future).

In short, Obama is WORSE than McCain, but only slightly, as they BOTH try to DECEIVE.

The dirtly little secret t here is tha only CONSERVATIVES, an people who agree with conservatives (whether they realize it or not), are right on the issue of illegal immigration.  Too bad neither McCain nor Obama is a conservative.  I am perfectly aware that McCain is more conservative than Obama (who isn't?), but that does not  mean that a McCain Presidency will end up in Federal Government POLICIES that are any more conservative than under an Obama Presidency.  Remember how much McCain likes to "reach across the aisle"!!!


Anonymous said...

How in the world can the Republican Party get saddled with a nutcase whack-job who knows nothing about economics, is so anti-capitalist he uses "profit" as a term of derision, has never run a business or had any job outside of government, will raise taxes, is so stupid that he believes "stopping global warming" is worth destroying the American economy, won't drill ANWR to alleviate our energy deficit, won't appoint strict constructionist justices, won't protect marriage, would throttle free speech given another opportunity, hasn’t protected the borders in his 26 years in Congress, will give amnesty, citizenship and a ‘key’ to our country to 20 million illegal aliens, is beloved by the New York Times in addition to other liberal media, and lives in a delusionary world of rage and self-appointed war hero vanity?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am the one who said, BEFORE Iowa and BEFORE Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, that the REpublican Party was leaving me if it nominated John McCain.  I believed that so strongly that I supported HILLARY CLINTON from Presdient--not only over Barack Obama but over John McCain.  I have said, and continue to say (with only the VP choice left to change anything), that I cannot vote for John McCain for President, even against Barack Obama (the election of whom may doom our way of life).

Tha is the problem:  Obama is WORSE than McCain, on illegal immigration and almost everything else.   I can't vote for him either.

P.S.   I do not favor trashing McCain's military record.  See next entry.