Thursday, June 26, 2008

Guns and Obama

The Supreme Court has held that the Second Amerdment was meant to guarantee Americans the "right to bear arms", as it certainly was--against the FEDERAL government.

Remember, as I have noted before, the Bill of Rights originally did NOT apply to the states, but ONLYL to the Federal Government, making a mockery and a LIE of the ACLU assertion that the Founders intended to make this country totally a SECULAR county--totally separating church and state.  Even disregarding that the language of the Frist Amendment says nothing about "separation" of church and state, the First Amendment was not in the original Constitution for the very reason that the Second Amendment was not:  the FEDERAL government was supposed to be a government of limited powers--SP{ECIFICALLY granted.  It was not supposed to have any powers not granted--INCLUDING the power to interfere with religion and the power to interfere with gun ownership.  However, many people (NEVER in the history of man has any group of people been more right) feared that the Federal Government would get out of countrol and assume unlimited powers.  Thus, they insisted on a Bill of Rights SPECIFICALLY limiting the power of the FEDERAL govenment.  States were still free (if their own Constitution allowed) to not only have prayer in the schools, but to have a STATE RELIGION if a state so chose.  ACLU assertions to the contrary are a LIE.

Thus, the Federal government should not have the power to interfere with the "right to bear arms", even without the Second Amendment.  But, as those prescient people originally feared, the Federal Government has become a government of unlimited powers, by expansion of such things as the power to regulate "interstate" commerce and the power to BLACKMAIL (spending, and threat of spending cutfoff).

It was not until the FDR, more liberal, U.S. Supreme Court started applying the Bill of Rights to the stattes THROUGH THE 14th AMENDMENT, in the 1930's, did it even become an issue as to the meaning of the Bill of Rights with regard to the states.  Once the Supreme Court started doing that, there was NEVER any excuse not to find a "right to bear arms" for all citizens.  After all, the FIRST AMENDMENT says, in relevant part, "CONGRESS shall make no law...."  By its terms, it says nothing about state legislatures.

Yet, the decision was only 5 to 4, indicating that lefitsts are THAT close to eliminating the "right to bear arms"--the conservative bloc, plus Kennedy, prevailing here where they could not prevail on the death penalty for child rapists and the supposed "rights" of foreign terrorists (see yesterday's entries).

What if Obama becomes President, and is able to appoint a replacement for ANY of the conservative bloc (plus, of course, the ridiculosly OLD Justice Stevens--who makes McCain look like a KID--and others in the present leftist bloc)?  In that case, there is just no doubt that the "right to bear arms" is GONE--as lefitst POLICY is imposed upon us all by the JUDICIARY (even if they can't get what they want from Congress).

The NRA should worry a LOT (I am sure they do) about Obama  ANYONE who respects the Cnostitution, and does not want rule by the judiciary, should worry a LOT about Obama.  There is simply no doubt about the judges he will appoint.  From the death penalty to homosexual marriage to "global warming", an Obama Presidency may well mean LEFTIST RULE by the judiciary.  We are close as it is.

Will McCain be better?  There is a CHANCE, while there is no chance with Obama.  So I sympathize with those conservatives who are holding their nose and voting for McCain.  I just can't do it.  Even now, Stevens and Souter (two of the MOST left of the justices of the Supreme Court) were appointed by Republicans.  Kennedy, appointed by REAGAN, has turned further and further left (although he profvided the fifth vote here).  A Republican President does NOT mean good appointments, although President Bush came through with his two appointments (after the doubtful Harriet Myers was shot down by conservatives joining leftists who did not see a good ting when they had it).

MAYBE McCain will choose a Vice President that will allow me to support him.  I doubt it (I think it will be Crist of Florida, and worry about who it will be if it is NOT Crist).  The thought of voting for McCain makes me ILL.  However, I still fully recognize what an Obama Presidency will mean (meaning that I can't vote for him either).

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