Monday, June 30, 2008

Health Care Insanity

"The Bush administration said Monday it is freezing a scheduled 10 percent fee cut for doctors who treat Medicare patients, giving Congress time to act to prevent the cuts when lawmakers return from a July 4 recess.

Physicians have been running ads hinting that as a result of the cuts, patients may find doctors less willing to treat them."

Remember the defnition of one form of insanity that I have often quoted:  "Doing the same (destructive) thing over and over again with the expectation of a different result.

What is the lesson to be drawn from the above story (which is such a "hot" story that it was on the Saturday morning Doug Stephan, "Dr. Ken", program)?  Clue:  the correct lesson is NOT that MORE Federal involvement in health care is the "solution" to problems in our health care system.  That conclusion would be INSANE (read definition again).  Yet, it is the conclusion that leftists draw.

Of course, this is exacty what has happened in Canada and Great Britain.  People do not have care available to them that is available to people in this country BECAUSE they have national health insurance.  Long ago I cited the EXTENSIVE SWEDISH STUDY that the U.S. was among the BEST at getting life saving cancer drugs to patients, while Great Britain was among the WORST--again, BECAUSE of the National Health Service in Britain. 

Governor Arnold Scharzenegger, who is about the onlly person in America to the LEFT of Barack Obama (nope, McCain does not quite qualify), has been unbable to get DEMOCRATS in Calitornia to adopt his health care plan because it will BANRUPT the state (which does not stop Democrats from wainting to banrupt the Federl Government, since that money is "free").

To the sane, the lesson here is clear.  What we need is LESS Federal involvement in health care, and vitually everything else.   One of the few clear lessons of history is that central planning does NOT work.  COommunism failed for a reason.  Yet, we continue our insane (by definition), leeming like rush toward ever more CENTRALIZED "soltutions" to our problems.  We will deserve what we get (probably more than the clinically insane deserve what happens to them, although I am no fan of "insanity" as a total excuse for bad conduct). 

From Bill O'Reilly to John McCain (see previous entries), the insanity seems to be spreading.  Leftist Democrats like Barack Obama, of course, never were sane in their unending faith in MORE Federal Government, despite the lessons of failure after failure (inclluding Katrina).

The American Medical Association long ago BETRAYED physicians by endorsing the Federal Government "solution".  This is what they deserve, and what they get--noat that all doctors deserve it , but that the "establishment", AMA type deserve it, as do "establishment" REpublicans in general (like John McCain and Doug Stephan).

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