Monday, June 16, 2008

Democrats and Gasoline: The Insanity Continues

See the previous entry for the first SIX examples of the insanity of the leftist Democrat (Democatic Party) position on oil and gasoine--using the appearace of Senator Dorgan on Sunday to segue into the standard Democratic Party/lefitist "talking points".  These are "talking points" that share one characteristic (besides insanity adopted in the name of ideology):  The arguments/proposals will RAISE the price of gasoline, and oil, rather than lowering the price.   To shorten the individual entries, I am going to go item by item now, instead of asking you to read one indigestible lump (retaining the consecutive numbering), continuing the itemizatioin of the absolutely indefensible leftis/Democratic insanities on this issue:

7.  Dorgan, as do all lefitst Democrats and environmentalists, made a point of raising the FALLACY that we can't "drill ourselves" out of our dependence on foreing oil.  We don't know that, because Democrats are preventing us from TRYING.   But it is a red herring anyway.  Did Dorgan explain why more domestic oil production will not HELP us achieve this goal?  Of course he did not, because it clearly WILL HELP.  Does it make any differecnce if drilling can only LESSEN our dependence on foreign oil, rather than being able to eliminate it by drilling alone?  Of course not.  Even leftists have to know this is a STUPID argument, but they keep making it.  The only explanation there is that they think they can FOOL people. 

Is it not obvious that IF we can cut demand 20% by conservation (see my entry last week on the CAN DO attidute toward reducing the price of gasoline, suggesting that the Federal Government LEAD the way by reducing its own demand IMMEDIATELY by that much), then more drilling might well be able to make up the difference (especially if added to economically viable alternative energy, nuclear power, and the rest).   It is probably more accurate to say that we cannot "conserve" our way out of dependence on foreign oil (any time soon), and that we cannot "alternative energy" our way out of dependence on foreign oil any time soon.  There is NO reason that we should not be doing ALL of thisese things.  It is ONLY leftists/Democrats/environmentalists (including SOME Republicans) who are so insane as to want to EXCLUDE more production of oil frm the mix that can reduce gasoline prices, and ultimately our dependence on foreign oil. 

WHY does the public not simply throw out of office anyone who says things as deceptive as Senator Dorgan, and the rest, are saying?  The only explanation is that the public is discouraged because of a failure of effective Repubican leadership against this insanity (pllus media propaganda). 

It is impossible to defend the idea that we must be able to completely "drill our way" out of our oil supply problem in order to justify drilling for more oil.  Every barrel of oil we produce domestically REDUCES the magnitude of the "problem" we have to "solve" by other means. 

Go back and review the previous entry, and Dorgan's assertion that Saudi Arabia is gioing to produce more oil to produce diwbward pressure on the price of oil.  Whether we can totally drill ourselves out of the whole problem, WHY would it not make sense for us to be putting on this pressure with our OWN oil production.  Instead, Democrats evidently want to be MORE dependent on Saudi princes, and to have MORE of our money go into foreign hands.

Idoelogical insanity is the onlyl explanation for arguments this fallacious and perverse--other than the other, obvious explanation of an attempt to DECEIVE the public for political reasons.  See the "Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate" award to environmentalists in Saturday's entry, where I explain that leftists/environmentalists do not WANT the price of gasoline to go down (unnless their agenda can be advanced at the same time), but do want to keep the public frm (correctly) blaming them for the present high price of gasoline (for which the Democrats in Congress deserve a large share of the blame, even if REuplicans have not covered themselves with glory).

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