Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Democrat Pro-Terrorist Propaganda--Terrorists Don't NEED a Propaganda Arm with Our Democrats/Media

Lefitist Democrats and their sycophants in the media are at it again:  Searching the SEVEN YEARS since 9/11 to see what PRO-TERRORIST propaganda they can dig up.  WHY should al-Qaida bother to have a propaganda arm when they have our Democrats in Congress and our media to put out their overhyped propaganda for them?  Here is the lead of today's terrorist propaganda story from the despicable AP/AOL:

"Military psychologists were enlisted to help develop more aggressive interrogation methods, including snarling dogs, forced nudity and long periods of standing, against terrorism suspects, according to a Senate investigation.

Before they were approved by then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, such harsh techniques had drawn warnings from military lawyers that they could be illegal, an investigation by the Senate Armed Services Committee has found."

So what? Whose side are Senate Democrats and the mainstream media on?

Oh.  I forgot.  We already KNOW that.  They are on the side of the TERRORISTS.   How does this sotry differ from PROPAGANDA that would be put out by a terrorist organization?  Answer:  It does not.  It is exactly the story that would be distributed by the propaganda arm of a terrorist organization.

"Harst" techniques?  Like cutting off someone's head?  Don't be silly.  NO terrorist was harmed.  Poor babies.  They were subjected to psychological pressue. 

You can legitimately argue as to how far we shoulld go in interroation. But this idea that we should HARASS Americans who merely tried to protect this country, by second guessing them in terms of allegations of CRIMES, is abosolutely INSANE.  Does Obama support "bringing us together" this way--producing pro-terrorist propaganda in the process?

As I have noted before, these Democrats (and media types) who want to REVIEW the years since 9/11 for pro-terrorist propaganda purposes, should consider making a REAL statement.

Remember FDR's ILLEGAL detention of Japanese AMIERICANS during World War II?

There is just no doubt about it. Congress should move to IMPEACH Franklin Delano Roosevelt (posthumously). If that seems absurd, Congress should at least pass a resolution declaring FDR a WAR CRIMINAL (poshumously again, but how better to make the Democrat/Reverend Wright (Obama?) point that the United States has been an EVIL country since at least as far back as Wrold War II--really FOREVER (lest we forget slavery and the American Indian).

P.S.  Does it mean ANYTHING that some military lawyers said these "harsh" (NOT physically harmful--REMEMBER the loud music/noise Janet Reno used at WACO to deprive the Branch Davidians of sleep before the assault which resulted in the death of many women and children--torture?) techniques "could" be "illegal"?    Of course not.   I was a lawyer.  That is what lawyers DO.   They examine the possibilities (among other things, it is a matter of CYA). 

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