Soledad O'Brien has already been featured in this series featuring the evil people of CNN. She was also featured in a months ago entry as a racist (see the entry, where I prove it). She is one of the extreme leftists on CNN who is a willing foot soldier in the present PERSONAL ATTACKS on Sarah Palin--the present orchestrated campaign by CNN to destroy Sarah Palin and her eamily.
Background on Soledad O'Brien:
The first thing you need to know is that she is a BAD MOTHER. Yep. CNN should FIRE her, under its own standards. Soledad O'Brien should QUIT, under HER own standards. Why is that? Soledad O'Brien is married to an investment banker. She has FOUR CHILDREN under the age of 9. Remember, AT LEAST TWO of Sarah Palin's children are essentially ADULTS. This idea that Sarah Palin is going to have to "take care of" her 17 year old daughter, AND that daughter's child, is an INSULT to 17 year olds everywhere. There are any number of women out there who had children at the age of 17 or 18, and raised their children perfectly well. In fact, the 17 year old daughter is ALREADY helping to take care of her Down's Syndrome sibling. This leftist HORROR over a mother "abandoning" her children to be Vice President, and/or being unable to be Vice President because she will be distracted by her children, is so PHONY that it may be evidence that God does not exist that thunderbolts are not raining out of the sky. I digress (not really). Back to that evil, sanctimonious hypocrite, Soledad O'Brien.
Sally Quinn (mainstream media "princess" married to Ben Bradlee, former editor of the Washington Post) was brought in to be interviewed by Soledad O'Brien on CNN for one purpose: To continue the evil, sexist personal attacks on Sarah Palin. The interview was actually unbelievable.
Quinn endorsed every SEXIST view I ever had, and some I have never had. She carried forward this leftist FICTION that a pregnancy for a 17 year old is a CATASTROPHE, even when she is going to marry the father of the child. Again, the implication is that the WHOLE FAMILY should get out of "decent" society (which rues out being around ANY extreme leftist), and lick their wounds in say, a NUNNERY. The "ruined" 17 year old needs her mother too much for her mother to be distracted at this critical time. WHAT ROT. WHAT EVLIL, FALSE STUFF. Sexist as I am, I never believed evil rot like that. Are Sally Quinn and Soledad O'Brien the dumbest women alive, or just evil, leftist ideologues? The word "both" comes to mind here. Of course Quinn was not through.
She attacked all of these feminist ideas the mainstream media has been pushing for years. Quinn said that there IS a double standard. She said that the care of children falls primarily on the MOTHER, and at least implied that this is how it should be. She said that men and women are NOT the "same". That IS one of my sexist views, but I never realized how many LEFTISTS and FEMINISTS shared that view.
Quinn went on to say that no woman with 5 children to take care of should ever be Vice President of the United States, or even run for the job. The children are too time consuming and distracting, and make it impossible to do your job. Or you have to neglect the children. Time out here. Read what I said above. . Sarah Palin does not really have 5 YOUNG children. She has ONE baby, which the other children can help take care of, not to mention the father,. Plus, there is such a thing as NANNIES. The idea that Sarah Palin would lack help with her children is one of those ludicrous things that ONLY a leftist ideologue, or establishment Republican, would come up with. No self-respecting, "uneducated" mother would ever believe this junk for a single second. Sarah O'Brien will have MORE opportunity to be with her children than MOST working mothers have, because she will have more help. And it is not like she has a job with set schedule. The emergencies that occur will be no different than Soledad O'Brien being called in on a big story.
We are back to that sanctimonious, dishonest hypocrite, Soledad O'Brien. Did Soledad realize that she was listening to an indictment of HERSELF. Soledad has MORE young children than Sarah Palin. Is she NEGLECTING them. From what Sally Quinn said, with Soledad nodding, you would have to think so. This is evil stuff, being put out there by the most evil, sanctimonious hypocrites who ever lived. The fictional Elmer Gantry (great movie) is a piker compared to Sally Quinn and these people at CNN.
How can Soledad O'Brien listen to a person saying that a woman with young children cannot handle a challenging job, and not jump down that person's throat for attacking Soledad O'Brien? No doubt about it. BOTH CNN and Child Protective Services should INVESTIGATE Soledad O'Brien. The more I think about it, the less doubt I have that she is CRUELLY NEGLECTION HER CHILDREN.
We obviously need to go further. We need to pass a Constitutional Amendment that no woman with children under the age of 18, or any grandchildren of such age living with her, shall be qualified to be President of the United States. We further need to modify our disgraceful laws prohibiting job discrimination against women. Women--especially those with children--are obviously incapable of handling most jobs, and taking care of their children at the same time. This is a matter of CHILD PROTECTION, and prohibiting child abuse.
I almost can't take it. This is just so stupid. There is NO EVIL that these people (CNN and the res) won't perpetuate to advance their agenda; NO intellectual dishonesty they won't put forth.
These are evil, evil, evil people.
P.S. Marc Shields (another leftist isslustrating that the above is now the leftist "party line"): YOU are an evil, evil, evil person in the same category as the above. I will not go into details. Suffice it to say that the absurd assertions are basically the same as described above for Sally Quinn.
P.S 2 According to Wikipedia, Soledad O'Brien does NOT speak Spanish fluently. This means that she has not only BETRAYED the feminist movement and perhaps NEGLECTED her children, but has also BETRAYED Barack "World" Obama. You will reember that he said that every person in this country, essentially, should learn Spanish--or at least make sure their children do. ANOTHER thing for CNN to "investigate": Are Soledad and her husband making sure that their children learn Spanish?
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