Wednesday, September 3, 2008

CNN and the Mainstream Media: The Carthage Alternative (as CNN "rolls the dice" on Sarah Palin

I have described the Carthage alternative previously in this series of accurate entries about CNN (representative of the rest of the mainstream media), and its deliberate attempt at the "politics of personal destruction" on Sarah Plain (acting as an agent of the Obama campaign, whether Obama approves or not--he would say the same thing in either event).
How do you KNOW that the people at CNN are evil sexists engaging in the politics of personal destrutction?  OBAMA told you so (whether he means it or not).  He said this kind of personal attack on family, and I assume he would extend it to gender, has no place in American politics.  Translation:  It is an EVIL thing.  Further translation:  As I have told you, the people at CNN are EVIL people (in the sense of doing EVIL in this campaign).  That includes Wolf Blitzer, Kyra Phillips, Campbell Brown, Larry King, John Roberts, and all the rest.  The rest of the sanctimonious hypocrites (do they are do they not regularly criticize the way dirty, personal politics has dominated elections?) in the mainstream media have been just as bad as CNN, as they embrace a role as the real ATTTACK DOGS of the Obama campaign.  That is why it does not matter whether Obama approves this evil stuff or not.  The loony, HATING left wing of the Democratic Party has taken over, and the media is now there creature.  What else can you call it when the McCain campaign is getting requests for DNA SAMPLES to show whether Palin is really the mother of her Down's Syndrome baby.  It was because CNN took those left wing loons seriously that it sent Kyra Phillips to Alaska (see previous entries).  Once the Democratic Party and the mainstream media have gone this far to the Dark Side, there is no turning back (especially for the media).
Thus, the Carthage alternative.  As I described before, when Rome defeated Carthage (the Punic Wars?--I sometimes get mixed up), Rome decided to make sure that Carthage would not rise again--to make it as if Carthage never existed.  Therefore, Rome tore down every structure so that not even ruins were left.  It then salted the ground so that nothing would grow for perhaps a thousand years. 
For CNN and the rest of the mainstream media, that is what (figuratively) needs to happen.  The buildings need to be demolished.  Theground where they stood needs to be "salted" (this time with radioactive material) so that the buildings cannot be rebuilt.  You say it can't happen?  It already is--figuratively.  The New York Times is ready to go under--losing readers and advertising.  My own recommendation is that everyone BOYCOTT the advertisers of these people (CNN, et. al.), and certainly not advertise (if you are handling the adverising budget for a business). 
You say that CNN, and the rest of the mainstream media, do not need to worry about me?  Maybe. Maybe not.  But it is NOT just me.  I know, because I have two feminist daughters (26 and 24 years of age).  One (Kyla) was married in secret at the age of 18 or 19 (hey, it was in SECRET--how am I supposed to remember).  Nope.  There was no real reason for her to be married in secret.  As I have stated, I do not believe young marriages are that bad, although I would not go so far as to suggest that teenage marriages are best.  Kyla married a marine in Hawaii--a marine that ended up serving in Iraq.  One of the best things about him is that he once said to Kyla, FROM IRAQ, that he "needed more space".   She was in Hawaii at the time.  They have now been married 6 years, and Kyla--a May graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law--is headed for a big New York City law firm.  As this is written, she is moving into a New York City apartment.  Her husband has become a firefighter in the Washington D.C./Dulles airport area, although he now hopes to be a member of the NYFD (note the feminist following of the WIFE's career).  Meanwhile, Kenda, my older daughter, is a lawyer with a big time Boston law firm.
The point is that Kenda and Kyla (future ruler of the world) are both pretty much disgusted with the mainstream media treatment of Sarah Palin (not to mention the treatment of Hillary Clinton).  They may or may not vote for McCain.  But I think CNN, the mainstream media, and the loony left, have LOST Kenda and Kyla forever.  If they lose Kenda and Kyla, they are doomed.  It is not just that Kenda and Kyla will see to that (although that will probably happen).  Rather, Kenda and Kyla are typical of intelligent women out there.  Some may not like Sarah Palin that much.  But they ALL recognized the politics of personal destruction against aWOMAN when they see it.  They are not the kind of captives of the loony left ideology who will put up with this sort of thing in the pursuit of a "higher" cause (leftist ideology).  If the mainstream media loses women like this, then the Carthage alternative is a reality.  CNN R.I.P.
Yet, CNN and the rest of the mainstream media keep digging the hole deeper. I saw this morning's morning program on CNN (that is, about 5 mniutes of it--all I could stand).  That may have been John Roberts again, with associated other CNN correspondents (I have given up naming them all, but they are ALL equally evil people).  They were continuing the ATTACKS on sarah Pali, with a predictable shift in focus.  You want to know WHAT shift?  Read the comment to an entry yesterday, which states the new leftist line and which I now repeat (not being scared to repeat leftist cant):
Yep.  That was exactly the CNN approach this morning.  It was no longer about whether Sarah Palin had done anything wrong, but that the "controversy" was distracting people from the Republican message and causing the convention to fail.  Marvel again at the sheer EVIL of that sentence.  CNN is saying that all we have to do is stoke the fires of a FALSE, evil controversy, and then claim that what WE did makes Sarah Palin a bad VP choice!!!!  By that logic, Obama is a BAD PRESIDENTIAL choice because he is a MUSLIM, with a MUSLIM middle name. You say that is evil stuff.  Well, maybe I would agree with you, but it is certainly an internet/book CONTROVERSY "distracting" from the real "issues".  I think Obama should RESIGN, and let Hiallry Clinton take over.  She is fully VETTED, and does not have that kind of CONTROVERSY dogging her. 
I assure you.  I am NOT exaggerating her.  This is EVIL stuff:  this idea that you can create a FALSE controversy and then bootstrap that into DESTROYING the person you UNFAIRLY targeted for destruction.
Let me take on  (destroy, as Rome did Carthage) that comment I quote above.  Leftists SAY that they want to concentrate on the "issues", and get away from evil distractions (like that MUSLIM allegation on Obama).  Leftists LIE.  They are the biggest sanctimonious hypocrites around.  They couldn't care less about "issues".  They want to DESTROY their opponents by any personal attack they can manufacture, and they expect to use the mainstream media as their agents to do that.
Is it MCCAIN and PALIN who are "distracting" peope from the "issues".  Nope.  If you say that, you LIE (To the person making the comment above:  I mean YOU, in addition to CNN and all of the rest of the mainstream media).  It is these PERSONAL ATTACKS that are deliberately "distracting" people from the issues.  To blame the VICTIM is exactly like blaming the rape victim for "leading on" the rapist.  Oops!  I forgot.  Leftists are perfectly willing to do that too, when it fits their agenda.  These are EVIL people, and to give into them merely encourages evil.  It goes without saying that McCain will not drop Palin.  He has more character than that.  But he also KNOWS that people like me would then advocate the Carthage alternative for  MCCAIN--as I did for the Republican Party with regard to the leftist "sex" smear of Jack Ryan in Illinois.  As I have said, I don't care if the Republican Party ever elects another candidate in Illinois.  They deserve, and have deserved, everything they get.
Now you may ask how I know that the person making the above quoted comment is a leftist.  I don't.  I just know, from that brief exposure to CNN this morning, that this is now the LEFTIST talking point for today.  CNN takes its marching orders these days from the loony left.  And I DON'T CARE whether the person making the comment is part of the left. Is there anythig about this blog that leads you to believe that I LIKE the Republican "establishment".  Look at the name of the blog.  I have come close to advocating the Carthage alternative with regard to the ENTIRE Republican establishment, and not just the part in Illinois.  I don't think the "old guard" Republican establishment likes Sarah Paliln that much.  That is one of many reasons I DO like her that much.  Anyone who takes on the part of the Republicans establishment I am talking about, as she DID in Alaska, deserves your vote for that reason alone.  If readers of this blog think I have "returned" to the Republican PARTY, they are sadly mistaken.
John McCain was said to have "rolled the dice" with the pick of Sarah Palin.  As I told you from the beginning, it is true it was a risky choice.  However, it was NOT a "risky" choice because of the chance that the loony, evil left, which includes CNN and the mainstream media, would figure out a way to DESTROY Palin on a personal level.  It was, and is, risky simply because Palin must do WELL to justify this kind of "out of the box" choice.  If she does well, she will hand the loony, evil left, including CNN and the mainstream media, their heads.  If she does not do well, it never mattered whether these personal attacks were made on her.  Indeed, the only effect of the personal attacks will be to DOOM the attackers.
That is the dirty little secret here.  The mainstream media, and the loony left in general, are "rolling the dice" fully as much as McCain.  There is, however, a difference.  If McCain and Planin are successful, they win.  If CNN and the loony left are successful, they STILL LOSE.  That is because they have fully exposed themselves for what they are.  If they lose people like my daughters, and I think they have, it does not matter if McCain and Palin lose.  As I have said in this blog, the WORST thing to happen to conservatives might be a McCain victory.  But the mainstream media, and the loony left, have sold their soul (if they ever had one).  They have abandoned all principle, and exposed themselves as people willing to do ANYTHING to get Obama elected. I  can't tell you how often I have heard, in the past few days, that in today's politics EVERYTHING is "fair game."  Yes, the Swift Boat Vets have been fully VINDICATED.   John Kerry and the left have now endorsed PERSONAL ATTACKS well BEYOND the attacks of the Swift Boat Vets. Leftists have thrown feminism under the bus to the extent of even arguing that you can't be a good mother and do a challenging job at the same time. 
Nope.  The mainstream media, AND the loony left, have already LOST here, whether McCain wins or loses.  The Carthage alternative is well under way, and people like Kenda and Kyla may be carrying it out long after I am gone.
P.S.   Nope.  Kyla did NOT get secretly married because she was pregnant.  Unmotherly feminist that she is, there are doubts that Kyla will EVER get pregnant.  She regards pregnancy as almost a curse imposed on women.  There has never been an adequate explanation as to WHY Kyla's marriage was a secret (for some 5 months).  Neither her mother nor myself ever had any objection to it.  I can tell CNN, however, as an absolute fact.  They MAY survive me.  They will NOT survive Kyla (if she decides to do them in). 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for  speaking the same way i do Refreshing!   First blog i have ever looked at! I am not a republican i am a conservative.    I still dont trust McCain!  If Obama wins... i am predicting...that in the next 4 yrs...      The White House  , House & Senate will  have 30 yrs of conservatism! That is fine with me i am 38. Again thankyou...      I wish you well......Be of Good Cheer!       Chip... Cape May Nj