It is my goal to list EVERY evil, sexist person on CNN by name before I get off of this subject. That means I many never get off of the subject, because I may have to list EVERY single employee of CNN before I am done.
John Roberts: NOT the Chief Justice of the Surpreme Court but the sexist, biased (redundancy here) CNN intellectual lightweight.
Roberts went on his program and made a big deal about.....what. You know what, because I have been calling CNN on its orchestrated campaign against Sarah Palin. See multiple entries over the previous two days. Part of that ORCHESTRATED campaign was to suggest that Palin could NOT be both a good mother and Vice President: A betrayal of the main feminist principle of the 20th Century--much less the 21st Century.
What was the contribution of John Roberts to this SEXISM. Well John Roberts made a big point of doubting whether Sarah Palin could be both the mother of a Down's Syndrome baby and Vice President.
If you can show me where anyone at CNN seriously, and over several programs, questioned whether Barack "World" Obama over whether he could be both a father to his two girls and President of the United States, then you could at least say that CNN only has a major double standard, instead of an EVIL double standard combined with extreme bias.
As it is, John Roberts joins the list of sexist, biased, evil elitists at CNN.
There will probably be more.
My Lord you're fired up. Nothing wrong with that, naturally, but mind your blood pressure. We'll need every vote in November ;)
I have noted before that DAN is a much NICER person than I am.
What has SHOCKED me over the last week is twin discoveries:
1. I am MORE of a feminst than the mainstream media, most of the left, and MOST feminist "leaders".
2. I (this is really a shocking discovery) am a NICER person than ALL of CNN; than ALL of the mainstream media; than ALL leminist "leaders"; than almost ALL leftists, and who knows who else. As I have said, this has caused an IDENTITY CRISIS for me. My self image is being destroyued by these revelations.
Dan, of course, has to feel like MOTHER TERESA--since he appears to be a genuinely nice guy. In comparison with these people, he has to be regarded as a SAINT.
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