Sarah Palin: I would vote for her for PRESIDENT--to take office TODAY. Yes, I think sh ecould do it. But more importantly, it is time to take the attitutude toward the mainstream media that Rome took toward Carthage.
You remember what Rome did to Carthage, don't you? Well, maybe you weren't there like I was. Rome not only conquered and destroyed Carthage (once the land of Hannibal). Rome eliminated every evidence that Carthage ever existed. They SALTED the ground so that things could never even GROW there again. CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, NBC, ABC, and the rest: the very builidings need to be elimianted, the ground salted, and the logos and names never mentioned again. It goes without saying that you should NOT advertise with these people, or view, read or listen to these people.
The latest evil, evil, evil person to come to my attention at the evil, evil, evil network once known as CNN (before the Carthage treament) is Campbell Brown--a MONSTER, by her own admission.
Campbell Brown stated the evil CNN position as bluntly as you can. Campbell Brown actually said (can't make this up) that in an "ideal world" the pregnancy of Sarah Palin's daughter would be a private thing. However, Brown went on to tsay that "we don't live in an ideal world". Damn right. We live in a world where CNN exists. That automatically makes it impossosible for this to be an "ideal world". Have I told you these are EVIL PEOPLE. I digress (not really).
Having established that the RIGHT thing to do is consider matters like the pregnancy of a 17 year old DAUGHTER (not the candidate herself) as as PRIVATE, Campbell Brown went on to suggest that Sarah Palin should have known that CNN would do the WRONG thing. I kid you not. That is what she said.
She said that Sarah Plalin had to know what her daughter would go trhough--in other words that evil CNN would put her through HELL. Therefore, it was CRUEL, and uncaring for her child, for Sarah Palin to "put her child through this." Again, what Campbell Brown is saying is that CNN, and media outlets like it, are going to do their best to dESTROY Sarah Palin's daughter in an effort to destroy Sarah Palin.
Let me be as blunt as I can. This is sexism on an industrial grade scale. Of course, it is also industrial grade bias on an unimaginable scale. As I have said, these people are EVIL on an unimaginable scale.
Where are the "investigations" about Joe Biden's lobbyist son, Hunter, and the LAWSUIT against him for FRAUD in connection wtih a HEDGE FUND? Where are the stories about OBAMA'S family. That includes the half brothers in Kenya and his UNWED, single mother. I know. Lefitists are not EXPECTED to have a good family, or to have any character. So their idea is that EVERYTHING about them is irrelevant. WHERE are the wall-to-wall stories aobut Obama receiving FAvORS from an indicted criminal, Resco? Where are the stories about Obama and William Ayers, Weather Underground terrorists who still has the same ideology? For that matter, Obama's MUSLIM "backgound" (he was, after all, exposed to it in Indonesia) is MORE relevant to his Presidential run, when you factor in his PHOBIA about it, as the pregnancy of Sarah Palin's daughter. How can leftists complain about ANYTHING, when they say things like Campbell Brown said.
Swift Boat allegations? Why not? EVERYTHING is fair game in a Presidential campaign. Thus, even though it is WRONG to trash Sarah Palin and her daughter over a pregnancy, Palin is supposed to be in a NUNNERY with her daughter until the election is over, because the media is goint to trash THEM iinstead of the evil people trying to manufacutre this as an issue. Note that the mainstream media had the exact OPPOSITE view of the MORE RELEVANT Swift Boat allegations: TRASH the people making the allegations. SANCTIMONIOUS HYPOCRITES: The denition in the dictionary is a picture of the CNN logo, and the CNN on air staff. Of course, there is some controversy as to why CNN is so honoered, and not MSNBC, the New York Times and the rest.
It gets worse. Yes, I know it is hard to believe. But the media, including CNN, continue to TRASH Sarah Palin for being a BAD MOTHER. They say, betraying a century of feminism, that Palin cannot be Vice President and take care of her children. They have even gone so far as to allege that Palin was IRRESPONSIBLE to fly in an airplane late in her pregancy with her Down's Syndrome baby, and IRRESPONSIBLE to go back to work a mere 2 or 3 days after she got out of the hospital.
Sanctimonious hypocrites, thy name is leftist. This is not only sanctimonious hypocrisy on a scale beyond any person on the Christian Right, including the fictional character of Elmer Gantry, but it is SEXIST. It is SEXIST beyond ME. I thought I was the most sexist person alive. These people are betraying EVERY feminist idea I was taght was sacrosanct--would get me SHOT if I advocated abandoning them. Women can both work and take care of their children? Obvsiouly not true, as far as these leftists are concerned. Women can handle pregnancy, in important jobs, and get back to work quickly (assuming no complications in pregnancy, and Down's Syndrome is NOT a pregnancy complication)? Not true, according to the new leftist mantra. Women have to satay home months--really until the child is 17 or 18. No "double standard"? Forget it. Bill Clinton can have SEX in the OVAL OFFICE, and that is "just sex". Sarah Palin not only has to be pure on SEX herself, but her WHOLE FAMILY has to be "pure".
Even if I believed it, I would--despite being the sexist pig that I am--NEVER had said thesee things about women. It would DISCREDIT everything else I said.
You know what? Come to think of it, this DOES DISCREDIT EVERYTHING CNN AND THESE OTERH PEOPLE say. From Larry King on down, these people have exposed themselves to be EVIL people of no redeeming social value.
1 comment:
Honestly... voting for Palin BECAUSE she's female is sexist. If there is anyone who uses sexism, it is Palin Herself. No offense, but it's republicans that hold signs that say "Lip Stick Wearers Unite" and "Hot republicans vote for McCain/Palin". If your going to use sexism yourself... don't be surprized when it blows up in your face.
If Palin was a male, the media would be 100% worse, and NO ONE would complain.
It's time we stop using sexism/racism/ageism as an excuse and get over ourselves.
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