When leftists want to engage in the "politics of personal destruction", what do they do? Right.
They MAKE UP an indefensible "justification" for EVIL that "sounds good" to them. In other words, they try to FOOL people.
We come not to "VETTING". It is obviously SEXIST and EVIL to try to destroy Sarah Palin based on her teenage daughter, or by making unsupported allegations that she is either a bad mother, or incapable of handling motherhood and paying proper attention to her job. It does not matter that these things violate every Democratic/feminist principle of the last 50, or even 100, years. Leftists DECEIVE, and they dearly wanted to try to destroy Sarah Palin on these grounds.
Enter VETTING. That was a New York Times article this morning, and that leftist political hack, Alan Colmes---a walking encyclopedia of the day's leftist "talking points"--attempted to use that term to "justify the truly EVIL, sexist things being done to Sarah Palin.
The idea is that Sarah Palin was not properly "vetted" by the McCain Campaign. Problem: the McCain campaign KNEW about the pregnancy, the "motherhood" "issues", and the "abuse of power" allegations with regard to that state trooper. So the EVIL "politics of personal destruction" based on private family matters coud NOT be justified as showing that McCain did not properly "vet" Palin.
Did John Kerry do a proper "vetting" of John Edwards? Well, do you not agree John Edwards was a PHONY? Of course you do. Would a proper "vetting" have found that out? Maybe. Certainly the "news" media should have better "vetted" Edwards during his 2008 Presidential run.
The pooint is that the "vetting" is a matter of the RESULTS. Does it MATTER if McCain properly "vetted" Palin if something BAD comes up that McCain did not know about? Nope. The JUDGMENT is in the CHOICE, and not in the "vetting" (done by a McCain person everyone agrees is a total professional).
If McCain KNOWS about the pregnancy, does that have anything to do with the "vetting". Nope.
"Vetting", like "hypocrisy" and "questioins", is only one of those leftist EXCUSES for outright evil. They should be ashamed,but they have no shame at all.
P.S. Even the despicable CNN gave up on "vetting" in that discussion tonight about losing the McCain interview. McCain's campaign properly pointed out that it is a FALSE "issue", and even the biased "journalists" at CNN had to agree. McCain is standing behind his process. If that process has resulted in a defective nominee, then EVERYONE is going to hold McCain accountable for that. People are unlikely to accept that it was not McCain's "fault". If the nominee is a good one, as I think Palin is but CNN either does not, or DOES and is scared of her, then the "vetting" does not matter. It is a red herring, under any circumstances--at least until there is fatal damage to a VP choice, at which point your excuse of GREAT vetting is not going to work.
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