Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama's Treasury Secretary and Joe the Plumber: Leftist Hypocrisy Rides Yet Again

It turns out that Obama's choice for Treasutry Secretary (already a lousy choice because he is one of the people, as New York Fed Chief, who got us into this economic mess in the first place, and allowed Goldman Sachs--the Paulson company--to be the only private company at a Fed meeting on the bailout of AIG) failed to pay delinquent self-employment taxes until he knew he was going to be nominated for this job. The IRS apparently had dunned him, and he had not paid immediately upon finding out he owed the taxxes. Remember how the left jumped on poor Joe the Plumber for a small amount of delinquent taxes? As I have said repeatedly, no worse sanctimonious hypocrites have ever walked the Earth than the ordinary, modern leftist. Now I have said repeatedly that I am not happy with the "gotcha" mentality our society has developed. But the double standard is mind boggling, and disturbing. "Gotcha" applies mainly to conservatives/Republicans. Leftist Democrats are expected to have major character flaws. While this is flattering, in many ways, to conservatives, in that it represents an acknowledgement that conservatives are generally of higher character than leftists, it makes it hard for conservatives to qualify for anything. This even includes qualifying to speak out, like Joe the Plumber. As I said at the time, whether Joe the Plumbter paid his taxes was totally irrelevant to what he said, and the sanctimonious, evil hypocrites in the mainstream media well knew that. They are simply intellectually dishonest people, as are most leftists. Since the Treasury Secretary is head of the IRS, his record on personal taxes is actually relevant, unlike Joe the Plumber's record, even though it probably should not be determinative (in a world where that rational standard is applied to conservatives as well as leftists). If conservatives have to be perfect (there has only, perhaps, been one perfect person in history) to be "qualified" for anything, while leftists can be severely flawed, then lefits win by default (which is the very idea, and point).

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