Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ACLU and Associated Press: Distributing Terrorist Propaganda as "Turth" for Anti-American Purposes

The ACLU today distributed the terrorist propaganda from the "mastermind" of (/11 that he "lied" to the CIA under waterboarding--what the ACLU and the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press" (always use full, official name in first reference) call torture. The ACLU, AND the despicable Associated Press, regard terrorists as more reliable sources than our own CIA. You might remember that the CIA people are the people who PROTECTED us from further attack after 9/11.

This "mastermind", I think, is the famous "blind sheik", although I sometimes get my terrorist mixed up. The ACLU, and the maiinstream media (including the dspicable AP), refer to waterboarding as "torture", as if that were an established FACT. The story is that this "mastermind" "lied" under "torture"--"proving" that "torture" does not work.

Hogwash. No "confession" under torture is reliable. But CHECKABLE factual information CAN be obtained by aggressive interrogation (waterboarding not being my idea of "torture", althoug it is certainly aggressive interroagion not to be widely used). The ACLU is asserting that the CIA was not interested in factual information, but onlyl in obtaining a "confession"--making the waterboarding definitely "torture" for no "valid" purpose. Of course, the ACLU does not recognize a "valid" purpose in the first place, and ingores the reports that we STOPPED terrorist attacks because of information obtained by waterboarding. At the very least, waterboarding was done in the afrtermath of 9/11, by people ACTING IN GOOD FAITH FOR THIS COUNTRY. I will not necessarily meet them in Hell. I will meet almost every member of the present ACLU in Hell, assuming Hell exists. People acting in good faith FOR THIS COUNTRY should not be lPERSELCUTED. FDR and Harry Truman were not PERSECUTED for the indefensible detention camps for Japanes AMERICANS, or for the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The CIA had no REASON to try to get a "confession". They knew it could never be used in anany court. The ACLU LIES customarily, and is lying again. I have shown that in entry after entry in this blog.

You doubt me? Well, you might consider what should be done if there is a "ticking" nuclear device in an American city Would YOU "waterboard", if you had someone who you thought knew where the device is? I would. If you would not, I feel sorry for you (as I feel sorry for members of the ACLU). If you don't like that example, consider "Dirty Harry". You might remember that "dirtly Harry" (Clint Eastwood" "tortured" the psychopath who had buried a girl with only so much air--with information from the psychopath the only possible way to save her. Harry got that informationi by TORTURE (stepping on the arm he had shot). I have no problem with that. Sure, the psycho might have LIED. SO WHAT. It is the only chance you have.

That is my reaction to the ACLU assertion, or ther terrorist assertion, that this "mastermind" LIED to the CIA. SO WHAT . If the CIA was seeking INFORAMTION, as they say they were, the only question is whether the info lchecks out. You EXPOECT "lies", but you keep doing it until you get info that CHECKS OUT. Information in the nature of a confession is of no use at all. What you want is the kind of info "dirty Harry" got, and it may NOT be "lies". Even if you get "lies" the first time, you may not the second time.

Again, even if you don't think we should EVER use waterboarding, what sense does this leftist OBSESSION with PERSECUTING people acting in what they thought was the best interest of this country serve? It is STUPID, and merely advances terrorist propaganda for no purpose (LESS purpose than waterboarding). This kind of thing is why I call much of the left, including the ACLU and the despicable AP, ANTI-AMERICAN.

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