Monday, June 8, 2009

IBM: BOYCOTT IBM For Crimes Against Humanity (See Tomorrow's Blog Entry)

You may notice that I buried this statement in a blog entry on Friday: BOYCOTT IBM.

I was dead serious. It shows you how downbeat I have become on the directio of this country when COMMERCIALS make me MAD AS HELL.

The offending IBM commercials first came to my attention during the NCAA basketball tournament, and have remained just as offensive, if not more so, since.

Has IBM embraced economic fascism (central planning "partnership" between powerful governmment and Big Business) as a corporate philosophy? As far as I am concerned, it has.

It is not only the direct pandering to the fraud of "global warming", although that pandering exists. There is the over-emphaisis on a "smart grid" to "solve" our energy problems. Hogwash. No, I don't have anything against a "smart grid"--so long as it makes ECONOMIC sense and is not totally subsidized by the Federal Government in a manner which conceals the real economics. It is, however, the least of my problems with these IBM commmercials that they place so much emphasis on "smart grids" and "global warming"--making IBM one of those committing CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (see upcoming blog entry still in the works).

Nope. It is the HEAVE HANDED propaganda pushing central lplanning, and economic fascism, that has turned me totally off IBM. What can by say about a company that PROMISES that its people, working with the governments of the world, can produce a SMART PLANET. That is a direct endrosement of the one thing that will KILL this planet: worldwide central planning. Nope. I am NOT taking these bits out of context. In context, it is MORE obvious that IBM is endorsing the idea that the WORLD'S problems can all be "solved" so long as we let IBM'ers" participate in the central planning schemes to control the world. Obama arrogance in the Age of Obama? You bet. I repeat: BYCOTT IBM.

let me get back to basics, which IBM has totally bypassed. IBM SELLS information technology solutions. IBM does NOT--I repeat NOT, unless it is aiming to partner with a modern Mussolini/Obama, responsible for making POLICY.

You think computers can "save" the world? That shows how little you understand about what has just RUINED the world. WHAT made banks, AIG, and financial institutions believe they could handle these new financial instruments (derivatives, credit default swaps etc.)? Right. It was COMPUTERS, and the promise of the increased information and "sophistication" provided of information processing that gave these ARROGANT people the idea that they knew more than they actually knew. Sound familiar. It should. It is the delusion of central lplanners everywhere, including the Obama Administration: That they know more than they can possibly know and that they are immune from the human mistakes that are INEVITABLE.

Yes, it is FAIR (and I am dead serious about this) to say that IBM'ers have come close to RUINING our economy, and bear a good share of the responsibility for this "deep recesssion". If IBM wants to take credit for the POLICY made possible lby computers, then it cannot escape responsibility for this recession. Computer technology had a lot to do with it.

It is an absolute fact that computer technology--no matter how god--cannot make up for POLICY MISTAKES (or arrogance in assuming such mistakes are not inevitable--the downfall of ALL central planning, along with the absolute fact that no person has enough information to manage this economy). By producing all of these commercials seeming to deny reality, IBM has made an ENEMY (me). You may think tiis does not bother them much, but little do you suspect the power I have (beyond the readership of this blog). IBM knows, and I can assure you that there will be meetins long into the night to discuss the crisis of this blog entry.

1 comment:

Slapinions said...

I don't think computers are responsible for everything you laid at their feet, BUT you are correct about IBM's commercials. I think the 'smart' city concept is downright creepy.