Sunday, June 21, 2009

CNN: The Liar Network Lies About the Economy and Health Care (Non-Existant Connection Except if Federal Takeover Ruins Economy

I don't watch CNN. I boycott it, since it is the Liar Network. Almost everyone else doesn't watch CNN either, and I don't think most of them are even boycottintg it. People can tell "worthless" when they see and hear it.

Yep. Saturday evening is a case in point. I borke my boycott for about 90 seconds to see what CNN might be doing about Iran. Ths was prompted by the decision by Fox News to GO LIVE with essentially wall-to-wall, in-depth coverage on Iran.

CNN was not covering Iran (no surprise). What I did hear was no surprise either, but confirmed again that CNN is the Liar Network, and of no use to anyone.

What CNN had on was a "sepcial report" on the "need" for health care reform. This report was beyond worthless, because it was one Big Lie. Yes, it was really just a proaganda piece in support of Obama's push for "health care reform"--trying, I guess, to "preempt ABC's move in turning over essentially the whole network all of next Wednesday to President Obama, and to propaganda supporting health care reform.

In that 90 seconds I watched, I heard this incredible statement: "This proves that we can't have a full economic recovery without 'health care reform'". The "this" referred to in this statement is the numbers CNN went through to show that the unemployed cannot afford health care insurance!!!!! I kid you not. CNN maede the leap from "statistics" on the cost of health care insurance bein out of the reach of the unemployed to the above quoted statement.

"Wait a minute, skip", you say ("you" being constantly slow on the uptake). That statement you quote may be an Obama suck up (Obama says the same thing all of the time), but it is not a LIE. It is a matter of opinion.

Nope, bison breath. It is a LIE--a "1984" style Big Lie.

This is my statement, and it is closer to being true (cannnot be said to be a lie): We cannot have a "full recovery" if we have 'health care reform', because WE CAN'T AFFORD IT." That is apart from the fact that the Federal Government taking over health care will ultimately make the health care you receive WORSE. Now these are statements of opinion--albeit opinions based in history and logic--not to mention opinions that have the virtue of being correct. But the CNN statemnet is NOT a matter of opinion. It is a lie.

How do I know it is a lie? Easy. We had the Great Depressiion--worse than anything yet happening now (Obama may yet change that). We recovered from the Great Depression without universal (goovernment) health insurance, without Medicare, and without Medicaid. Sure, it took World War II, and Roosevelt Big Government did NOT bring us out of the Great Depression. Still, we DID recover WITHOUT people having health insurance. Really, they could NOT afford it. We recovered from the 1981-1982 recession without universal health coverage, or "health care reform". In fact, the prosperity of the 1990's was still ahead, and that prosperity was really created by the lingering effect of the policies of Ronald Reagan (kept in effect by a Republican House at a time the Republicans had not yet lost their soul).

You should see why the CNN statement is a LIE, while my statement is not. You might puase here and think about it. We have had MANY economic recoveries in this country where the unemployed could not afford health care INSURANCE. Everyone in this country--at least now--RECEIVES HEALTH CARE. We are only talking about health care INSURANCE. It is absurd to suggest that we cannot have an economic recovery wtihout people having health insurance. The history of our economy PROVES this to be a LILE.

My statement, on the other hand, is NOT a LIE. That is because we have NOT TRIED A FEDERAL TAKEOVER OF HEALTH CARE INSURANCE, AND HEALTH CARE, IN THE PAST. That would be a new thing, and our experience with Medicare, Medicaid, and central planning in general indicates that our economy will NOT SURVIVE this kind of Federal domination of our economy. Yes, this goes well beyond health care insurance, but a Federal takeover of health care insurance will, in itself, DOOM our economy. Yep. That IS a matter of 'informed, correct) opinion. It cannot be a lie, because we have no history. The CNN statement can be, and IS, a lie because it contradicts numberous, observable FACTS in the past history of our economy.

What was CNN doing? What was Obama doing? You know what they were doing as well as I. They were using overstatement--this time so egregious as to constitute a Big Lie--for lpurposes of a POLITICAL AGENDA. It is really a matter of definition, as CNN twists the meaning of words out of all recognition.

What CNN was really saiying is that we will not have a "full recovery" until everyone has health insurance, and that everyone will not have health insurance (especially with this recession) unless we have FEDERAL "health care reform". Now this is a LIE too, under the meaning of "full economic recovery" that has existed from the beginning of time (or thereabouts). But if you DEFNIE "full economic recovery" as requiring that everyone have health insurance, then CNN's statement is correct (if totally trivial). That is because CNN is ASSUMING that the Federal Government must achieve insurance coverage for every person before we can be said to have a "full economic recovery" If you cannot see the circular "reasoning" there, you are beyond my help. By the way, the CBO determined that the DEMOCRATIC "health reform plan' in Congreess would still leave us with 35 million unemployed in 10 years.

Do we HAVE to have health insurance? Nope. Two states have ABANDONED "health insurance reform" because they were going BANKRUPT. California did not even adopt it, because they know it would BaNKRUPT California. This was before it was obvious California is going bankrupt anyway. WHERE does the money come from for FEDERAL "health insurance/care reform"? It comes from the people of CALIFORNIA (and the people of the other states). Nope. It is NOT true that the Federal Government can do things more efficiently. IN fact, the Federal Government always does things LESS EFFICIENTLY. The true motivations for the increase of Big Government are "free money" (the Federal money FALSELY viewed as "free", when it has to come from the people just like California's budget has to come from the people), and the leftist rab for POWER. Leftists want central planning because they want more POWER, and because they cant' stand not imposing their views on everyone.

Say, fr the sake of argument, that 10% of our country remins unemployed, and without health insurance (because ultimately the inemployed can't afford it). SO WHAT. Those people can go on MEDICAID, or just get health care at the emergency room. Yes, I know. We do NOT have "full recovery" if unemployment stays at 10%, but that is NOT because of health care. It is because unemployment is staying too high. Health care has nothing to dowith it. But we can DERAIL any recovery if the Fedeal Government spends too much money, and tries to totally run our economy through central planning (never worked, and theoretically CAN'T work).

Even if FEDERAL "health care reform" were a good idea (it is not), we can't afford it now. The states who toyed with the idea realize that. The Federal Government would realize that too, except the Federal Government can PRINT MONEY (spend beyond its means). Problem: That may lies eventual DISASTER.

Correct policy: Any "health care/insurance reform should be done by the STATES, who are REQUIRED to "pay as you go." Our present health care system is NOT in "crisis", and what we really have is a "health insurance" "problem" (not crisis). States routinely regulate insurance (do so with auto insurance which people in El Paso don't have either). At the present time, we should do essentially NOTHING (at Federal or state level). Once we have recovered from the recession (if Obama and the Democrats let us--big "IF" right now), then we can try to tweak insurance plans on a STATE level, with whatever MINOR Federal co-ordinating help that may be needed. Note to CNN: As recovery occurs, peole will become insured at the same rate as they were before the recession, although benefits will probably diminish as employers try to control their own costs. Read this last sentence carefully. What happens with FEDERAL dominiation of health care? Big Brother eventually has to control costs too, or try to control them (without success), because someone has to PAY for health care. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. The FEDERAL medthod of "controlling costs" is to TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM with central planning coercion. So you will lose the right to choose doctors, and doctors will lose the right to operate the way they want. We will RATION health care.

The present system is not nearly as bad as the Federal alternative. Further, it is dESPERATE that we not have a Federal Government out of control (in size, power, and spending). The biggest danger to a "full recovery" is not "health care", but a Federal Government out of control. Even if you think we should eventually have universal, Federally guaranteed health care, you should not want it NOW. The only people who want it now are those so desperate to increase the Federal Government, and leftist power, that they don't want to let the "opportunity" slip.

If you think I proofread the above adequately, with my eyesight, you are nuts. You have to put up with typos. But think how much WISDOM you get in exchange. I might figure out how to adequately proofread these entries if I were getting paid, and/or I had a LARGE readership. As it is, it is not a cost effective use of my time. You have to decide whether your time is wasted by having to read entries with typos. I do try to "proffread" as I type, but sometimes my concentration wanders. I do feel sorry for you if my hand slips out of position, and my fingers end up on the wrong letters. I recognize that typos sometimes make sentences unreadable. Just can't justify trying to eliminate them under present circumstances.

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