Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Global Warming", Abortion, and Crimes Against Humanity

"'Global Deniiers' Should Be Jailed, or Executed, for Crimes Against Humanity."

The above is essentially the healdine that apeared on Drudge, which Drudge picked up from some website of orther pushing the true insanity of the ""global wariming" crowd. The article was qluickly withdrawn fromt he website after Drudge gave it publicity, and conservatives started to pick up on it. I am not worried about being unable to cite Drudge's source, because I have been familiar with this particular leftist/radical environmentalist insaniy for the last five years of so--dating back to my years on AOL. Al Gore himself has called "global warming" a moral, ethical, and SPIRITUAL issue--in other words, a religion. The prieests of that religion have been trying to suPPRESS HERESY (free speech and scientific inquiry) for more than a decade.

This is unfinished business for this blog--dating back to Black Wednesday. "Black Wednesday refers to exactly one week ago, when there were so many stories showing how INSANE the political and "intellectual" leaders of this country have become that I could not keep up with them all. I did do MULTIPLE entries on Black Wednesday. But I did not have time to get to "global warming" and crimes against numanity", since I regard that particular insnity of the left as OLD NEWS (an "oldie, but a goodie").

The official positioin of this blog is that this is a leftis PERVERSION of the concept of "crimes against humantiy, continuing the leftit attempt to make us live in the world of Orwell's "1984", where all words have the meaning that leftists want them to have. And hypocrisy is supposedly something that those sanctimonious hypocrites of the left cann have, because they are priests of a religion that does not have to be consistent. In their view, as Evan Thomas of Newsweek said of Obma, they are "sort of God" who can make up the rules of debate as they go along. Thus, merely attempting to debate "global warming" becomes a "crime against humanity". Note how this perverted dilution of the concept DIMINISHES the HOLOCAUST.

The left has begun to make a habit--a POLICY--of attempting to POLITICIZE the concept of "crimes against humanity" (pretty much previously restricted to genocide and "ehnic cleansing". Thus, yuo have a conserable part of the left wanting to declare President Bush, VP Cheney, and Secretary of Defene Rumsfeld as "war criminals" to be taken to trial for their "crimes against humanity". This makes it crystal clear, as does the attempt to suppress disssent on "global warming", that the left regards the concept of "crimes against humanity" as only another POLITICAL WEAPON to advance the agenda of the left, which is unconscionable.

Note the beyond belief hypocrisy of the left, and the mainstream media, here ("beyond belief" unless you regularly read this blog as I continually expose this hypocirsy). For example, an unstable person kills a late term abortion doctor. The immediate reaction of the left is that pro-life groups and people are "responsible" for this because of their "overkill" on criticizing doctors who operate abortion mills. Yet, NO "mainline" pro-life orgainization condones violence, and they all CONDEMN violence as exactly the opposite of what they sand for.

However, the left, and the mainstream media (redundancy), regard it as perfectly normal--not really "news" at all--for leftists to suggest that "global deniers"should be EXECUTED. Look at PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), and their ATTACKS on people wearing furs. Then there are William Ayers, who REPEATED his defense of violence while a friend of Obama--the left routinely using extremely viotent rhetoric as to Bush Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest. I LIVED through the Vietnam ear, and observed first hand the exesses of the left in EXCUSING violence. William Ayers and the Weather Underground were only a small sample of the VIOLENCE thqat the leftist ESTABLISHMENT condoned, and really encoraged, in their William Ayers zeal to stop the War in Vietnam. These people are industrial grade hypocrites--the worst to ever walk the Earth on two legs.

In about 1969 (Vietnam War era, although I did not serve in Vietnam), I was in the U. S. Army stationed in Ft. Carson, Colorado (outside Colorado Springs). I have mentioned before that a columnist for the leftist (even then) Denver Post wrote a column saying that she did not understand pro-life people worrying about MURDER, when we were murdering so many epole in Vietna. I remember her name still as "Madestella Holcomb", although I may well no longer have the name exactly right. It was a LONG time ago, and the hypocrites of the left have not changed.

My reply to his column in the Denver Post was published in the Denver Post (unlikely it would be today, as leftists have totally abandoned free speech as a fundamental value). I said, in my reply, that the Denver Post columnist was lucky that I still regarded murder as wrong, despite Vietnam and the rampant infanticide of abortion, or she would be in real danger. As it was, she was safe, if stupid. Leftists pursuing leftist causes have always been more open to murderous violence, and encouraging unstable persons to engage in that violence, than the pro-life movement Can you imagine what a person like that Denver Post columnist though about murder to fight the murder we were committing in Vietnam? She was obviously encouraging people like William Ayers, and the rest, to blow up ROTC buildings and army recruiting offices, to believe they were doing the right thing. This attitude is what got many soldiers returning from risking their lives in Vietnam SPIT ON by these "sweethearts"of the left. As shown by the Drudge headline of last Wednesday, and many other examples, the left has NOT changed. They have only gotten worse, and more arrogant.

This is only part I. As I say above, I do not believe in POLITICIZING the concept of "crimes against humanity", which merely devalues that concept. But I also do not believe in turning the other cheek. Therefore, in part 2, I will ACCEPT the leftist view of "crimes against humanity" as a game of POLITICAL POWER. I will explain to you how the left has committed, and is commiting, NUMEROUS CRIMES AGAINST HUIMANITY--more serious than anything alleged against the "right". As a teaser, I would refer you to a recent "HD-Net" program I saw abpit a group of outcasts (performers? Trans-sexuals? Gays?) fighting a "crime against humanity" still being practiced in INdia. That crime is female infanticide. The program made clear that these peole did not DISTINGUISH (as, indeed, they canot be distinguished) abortion of females in the womb and murder of females who managed to make it outside of the womb. For the hypocrites on the left, or at least many of them, it is a "crime against humanity" to practice abortion of females because they are females--no matter how much sense it makes in the individual cluture--but entriely accpetable to kill a ninth month fetus before tt manages to be born. That is MY idea of a "crime against humanity"

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