Friday, June 19, 2009

Rational Eating, Food Reform and P. G. Wodehouse

Rational eating. Food rform. Were those terms invented by President Obama or the Democrats, who want to "take on" (for REVENUE and Big Brother control purposes) fatty and "hunhealthy" foods? Not on your life.

Thee were terms RIDICULED (hilariously) by P. G. Wodehouse in "The Indiscretions of Archie" some NINETY YEARS AGO. "The Indiscretions of Archie" is really a series of interlocking short stories with "Arhcie" as the main character in them all. It is minor Wodehouse (rating 80 out of 100) because this main character is just not that funny--too "Engish" and not really very likable.

The poem commemorating the victory of Washington McCall in the PIE EATING cnotest is alone worth the price of the book (perhaps even alone justifying a higher rating for the book), as Wodehouse turns lyrical on the virutes of PIES, as distignuished from a "healthy" diet of only vegetables and nuts. That "healthy diet" causes a ravenous hunger in the teenage Washy, and enables him to win the pie eating contest. This embarrases his mother, who is a lecturerer on "rational eating, and "food reform"--imposing her views on her family with an authroitarian zeal worthy of the Age of Obama.

But the dominated husband, who likes pies as much as his son, and the son REVOLT against the authoritarian regime of Michelle Obama...........Oops!!! Freudian slip there. The problem is that Barack "World" Obama is just as authoritarian as his wife, and unlikely to revolt.

Wodehouse shows lthe bid for FREEDOM by the son and the father in some of the funniest scenes and words ever written. He even made up better terminology than PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals--a leftist SOUNDING name similar to the "People's Republic of China", and with the same tiype of misleading political purpose).

It was all about FREEDOM for Wodehouse, and all about FREEDOM now. The McCall men revolt for FREEDOM, just like the (doomed, unsupported by Obama) protestestors in Iran are revolting for FREEDOM.

The Age of Obama believes in exactly the opposite of freedom. Obama does intend to tell you what to eat, and control every other aspect of your--our--lives.

It is amazing that a small section of a book written before Hitler can skewer the modern "food police" so devastatingly. Nope. It dos not matter that Mrs. McCall has some justice on her side about eating too many pies--from strictly a health point of view. It is not about "health", as health care "reform" is not really about "health" (will, in fact, result in WORSE health care). It is about CONTROL, and taking away freedom.

Will we have the courage of Mr. McCall, and REVOLT against Obama? I hope so, although it may be too late--too late to avoid major PAIN and disruption of our way of life.

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