Monday, June 8, 2009

Rush Limbaugh: Intellectual Hypocrite--Even Liar?

As I have said before, I regard Rush Limbaugh as virtually the present leader of the conservative movement--a point on which I am in agreement with MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the mainstream media. I agree with him on most points, and his intellectual dishonesty is on a lesser level than almost any leftist who ever lived. Now Joe Biden has to get some points for compulsive HONESTY< although none for intelligence (Biden admitted, recently, that there WILL be substantial WASTE in this "stimulus" spending.

Yes. I do not like Rush's program today. In his partisan zeal he was much more an INTELLECTUAL HYPOICRITE today than usual. In fact, I could not even believe it when Rush accused OBGAMA of being dishonest/a hypocrite because Obama is citing the stock market as a sign the economy is stabilizing--after saying, when the stock market was going staright down, that a President should pay no attention to the "daly tracking poll" of the stock market.

Who is the Bigger hypocrite on this: President Obama or Rush Limabugh? Do you remember how right this blog was--as always--when I told Rush that he was making a MISTAKE keying his primary criticism of Obama on the stock makket--tracking every day how far the stock market was going down, and blaming it on Obama. It, of course, had little to do with Obama (other than Obama TALKING DOWN the economy at that time to push his agenda, as he is starting to talk it down again to push the his agenda again).

So Rush Limbaugh is WRONG on the stock market (consistently, and seeminly not recognizing that stock market people are the Stupidest People on Earth, instead of economic gurus). Why is his program today so very bad?

Well, Limbaugh is--as he was attempting to try to use the stock market to do before Obama had a chance to implement ANY of is policies--blaming President Obama for our "present tailspin".

Yes, I am telling you that Rush Limbaugh is TELLING LIES TODAY. This blog has told you repeatedly that President Obama is RUINING this country, and making a real recovery impossible. Obama and the Demorats are taking the WRONG PATH in resonse to this economic recession, THAT STARTED UNDER PRESIDENT BUSH.

No, I do NOT believe this kind of overstatement is effective. What about the overstatement in this blog? Well, that is primarily a matter of WORDS 9like calling Rush Limbaugh a liar)--words used mainly for entertainment (not least for entertainment of myself, since this blog does not have a wide following in any event). I would defend EVERY assertion in this blog as being solidly founded in reason, when you consider the SUBSTANCE of the assertion (always explained, as this entry elxplains why I am clling Rush Limbaugh a liar on this particular matter).

Why is Limbaugh ineffective going down this absurdly partisan path, to the point of misrepesetnig the truth? People are just not that stupid. They remember Henry Paulson's bailout plan. They remember that this economic "tailspin" accelerated last OCTOBER. You can argue, and I would, that President Obama is merely acclerateing the damage done to the country by President Bush and Paulsoon, whille lpretty much CONTINUING their disastrous policies in which OBAMA PARTICIPATED.

What was the key MISTAKE Paulson and Bush made in October? They PANICKED, and idd the same thing Obama is now doing. They said the SKY IS FALLING in order to get their agenda passed to "save" the country. My brother was co-owner of Shippers Transport aat the time, and OBSERVED the consequence. The economy HIT A WALL. It was the PANIC that cuased the economy to hit that wall. We did not have that PANIC in 1981 with Ronald Reagan.

Nope. For Rush LImbaugh to "blame" Obaqma ENTIRELY, and I assure you that is what he is doing on his porgram today, is intellectually INDEFENSIBLE. I know Rush would say that we are in a war, and that the media is doing their best to spin things FOR Obama--all true. Doesn't change a thing. You just can't convince people that black is white, unless you have a "1984" style media propaganda on your side (not to mention a speech maker like Obama).

No. This is not the way to go--to blame Obama for this recssion. President Obama needs to be criticized for RUINING the country in RESPONSE to the economy--rather than for causing the economy to go into a tailspin to start with. Obama has made a substantial recovery impossible. But he did not creeate the "tailspin". Limbaugh LIES (see, I did it again) when he said Obama did create this tailspin, and he accomplishes nothing by doing so.

The government is taking over the economy, and there is no theoretical or practical evidence that can possibly work. President Obama can be blamed for the results of that. But once President Buish and Henry Paulsno PANICKED in October, there was no way to avoid a "tailspin"--one abut as bad as we have gotten. The bailouts started then. Obama merely accelerat3ed them. It does no good to deny this. It convinced no one. If it does not convicne ME, who LIKES Limbuagh, it will not convince anyone (anyone without the same partisan motives as Limbaugh).

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