Wednesday, June 3, 2009

USA: A "Muslim Country", or Simply an Insane, Lost Country

You may have noticed a number of entries in this blog today. And I haven't even mentioned the absolutely incredble posting on the internet of a "highly confidential" 266 page report describing BOTH civilian an weapons (government) nuclear sites in the U.S., WITH MAPS. If President Bush's governmnet had done this, the mainstream media would have gone nuclear. As it is, their coverage is muted.

Then there is President Obama, comic genius. In the Middle East he evidently described the USA as "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." You don't even want to know what would have happened to President Bush if he called this country "one of the largest CHRISTIAN countries in the oworld.

This should give you the reason that there are so many blog entries today. Today seeems to me to be the day that it has become clear to EVERYONE (it being clear to me long before, since I am ahead of almost everyone else) that this country is beyond hope.

We have gone nuts, and there is probably no going back short of major upheaval. The USA no longer exists in the way we used to know it.


Slapinions said...

I agree with your last paragraph 100%. This is a world gone mad.

Slapinions said...

His speech today in Cairo . . my God, why not just hand them the keys to Israel and the world? It truly is a Manchurian candidate situation.

Slapinions said...

With Obama's speech today, and its rhetorical betrayal and abandonment of Isreal - hand in hand with his stated 'right' of Iran to have nuclear power - well, ol' Barry's just about guaranteed that Tel Aviv will have to hit Iran.

So . . . he's just about singlehandedly started a Mid East war. Isn't that why he hates Bush?

Congratufu**inglations Barry.