Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Brother, "1984", Central Planning: A Godzilla Federal Government Undergoing Nuclear Mutation--Will It Eat Tokyo?

Big Brother is simply out of control, and the growth is accelerating, even as Barack "World" Obama continues to promise "fiscal responsibility" (lol, lol, lol). The 100 BILLION dollars for the International Monetary Fund is only a minor part of the disturbing news in the past few days. (For comparison, the ENTIRE Clinton "stimulus" package in 1992 was 30 billion dollars.)

PObama has proposed virtually dictatorial powers over the financial system for the Federal Reserve--especially over internatioinal financial institutions "too big to fail". Yes, this is an area where NO person or entity has been more right than this blog. I told conservatives YEARS AGO, in lprint in this blog, that growth of companies, including financial institutions, by merger was the greatest danger conservatism faced. I have been PROVEN right, and yet no one recognizes it. Even now, conservatives seem to have no clue how this "too big to fail" problem DOOMED conservatism (for the time being, until central lplanning fails-with big corporate empires being a species of central planning that DID FAIL).

However, Obama is not content with giving dictatorial powers to the Fed and the Treasury Department. He also wansts to set lup a NEW Federal super-agency called the Consumer Fianancial Protection Agency. This is the man (Obama) who insists he does not want control over the economy or our lives. Big Broter lives. The man (Obama) is a COMIC GENIUS.

I have not even gotten to the Obama plan to have government take over health care (all the time denying it).

In what fantasy universe can a central planning entity tis huge (Federal Government), and this expensive, work (even theoretically--much less lpractically)? NONE. It is a Big Brother, Orewellian disaster which can only now be reversed by major upheaval (read: disastrous pain). The Federla Government, in the Age of Obama, is totally out of control, like those huge MONSTERS of 1950's horror and science fiction movies.

).S. The Repubicans continue to be behind the curve. THEIR health care "plan" would bankrupt us, and represents a Federal attempt to control our health care industry (just without direct government control, unlike Obama). Repubicans would give $5700 to EVERYONE. Democrat light, but still going down the roal of a central planning, Federal "solution". Then there is medical malpractice reform, with which I have no problem ON THE STATE LEVEL. On the Fedeeral level, it is central planning for which there is NO EXCUSE> Doctors and hospitals do NOT generally operate interstate. States are prefectly capable of handling medical malpractice, and if they are not, THEY SHOULD BE. The idea that every national problem (in extent) must have a Federal "solution" is the Big Brother, central planning approach. Medical malpractice "reform", on a Federal level, is part of that mentality.

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