Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"PAYGO" and Health Care Reform: Republicans Join Democrats in Orwell's "1984" in the Age of Obama

Now we know that a Federal Government takeover of our "health care system" is going to bankrupt us, in and of itself, regardless of "PAYGO" ("pay as you go"--see previous entry). How do we "know" this? Well first we know it because a partial takeover has already taken place (Medicatre, Medicaid, etc.), nad is alone threatening to banrupt the Federal Government.

However, the main reason that we know that massive, centralized government controlled health care "reform" will bankrupt us is that some states have tried it (like Massachusetts). The attempts have FAILED--miserably. California was going down the same road to failure, but backed off of the massive Scharzenegger healh care plan BECAUSE it would bankrupt the state. Even without that albatross, California is going bahkrupt. With it, there was no hope (as there is probably no hope for the Federal Government, with or without the massive mistake of massive "health care reform").

What about the Republicans? Well, they ave gone down the wrong road once again. The "official" Repubican "plan" is the McCain plan (essentially), which McCain could not even EXPLAIN. I don't think McCain himself understood it. I have heard Paul Ryan's name mentioned as a "sponsor" of the "Republican bill". That is one of the many reasons I am not wild about the boomlet for Ryan as a future "leader" of the Republican Party.

The Republican "plan" is based on a central planning, Federal Government "fix". That alone undercuts the fight of the Republicans against a nationalized health care system. The Republicans purport to escape the futility of a Federal Government operated health care system by using the Tax Code. Yes, the Republicans propose that $5700 tax "credit" for every person/family. Basically, the Repubicans propose GIVING people the MONEY to buy their own health insurance (unless you make too much money). Further, Repubicans promise NO "net" tax cost to ANYONE. Yes, Repubicans propose giving people who pay no taxes (but are not on Medicaid) $5700.00--only, of course, if they buy a government approved helath care plan. As with ALL Federal Government plans, by the way, businesses would be STUPID not to opt out of any employer health care plan in faovr of the Federal subsidized plan.

Do you want to hear the Republican "explanation" of why THEIR health care subusidty (adding up to only a lrelatively minor less cost than the Democratic "plan") will not increase the deficit, and violate the concept of PAYGO? Neither am I. I pity you if you want to hear that lame "explanatiion", or if you want to hear Obama and the Democrats explain how their "plan" does not violate "pay as you go". ALL such "explanations" exist only in the "1984" world of the Big Lie.

Is the Repubilcan "plan" better than the likely Democratic one? Of course. Is it a DISASTER that such a plan even exists? Sure it is. It accepts the CONCEPT that the Federal Government is responsbile for providing health insurance for every American--at whatever cost. Once you accept that disastrous concept, it is all over. And the very existence of such a Republican "plan" completely undermines Republican "alarm" about the budget deficit.

Democratic LIGHT anyone? No wonder the Repubican Party is in such trouble. Could it be because they DESERVE it ?

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