Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Barack Obama, Liar-in-Chief: Jobs Bill Fully Paid For? (Fact Check: That iIs a Lie)

Yes, this Obama habit of saying that his latest bill is "fully paid for" is an Orwellian Big Lie. I hae already written this article at least 5 tiems (between 5 and 10. But Obama, as Liar-in--Chief, keeps putting out the same blatant lie, compelling me to pont out the lie again (especailly since so few peole are doing so, no matter how much some of them may criticize Obama).

No, the idea that Obama's new, and fraudulent, "jobs bill" is "fuly paid for " is a lie so blatant that it makes a mockery of the habit of mainstream "journalists" of doing rather stukpid "fact checks" on REPUBICANS. If you are unwilling to call a President on a lie this blatant, then you do not deserve to call yourself a "journnalist". As a matter of fact, I do NOT call these peole "journalists" (hence the quotes around the term). Misquoting Eizabeth Barrett Browning once again: "How do I lie to thee, let me count the ways"--the motto that our Liar-in-Chief lives by.

Fact: We are now borrowing more than 40 cents out of ever dollar we spend (as a Federal Government). It is a JOKE to say that the PRESENT Federal Government programs are "fully paid for". Now you have to pay attentin here, because this is the core of the Big Lie. We are supposed to be desperately trying to find a way to REDUCE OUR DEFICT (that more than 40 cents out of every dollar that we are BORROWING). Money is money. There is NO reason to aritrarily assign money that could go to defict reduction to "pay for" ADDITIONS TO THE DEFICIT. To do that is simply a LIE. Every dollar we "save' or "raise' should be applied to reduce our defict. Any other approach is madness, financially unsound, and a lie. As I have said before, it is like buying a new Mercedes because you have gotten a "moonlighting" job to pay for it, hwen you are already in debt more than you can ever pay. In tat case, you are living an insane lie, and that is what President Obama is doing. And that is not the only lie involved her.

President Obama proposes to ADD 450 BILLION dollars to the deficit over a little more than the next year. Repubicans have supposedly taken this country to the "brink" because they did not want to keep adding to the debt ceiling with ever increasing deficits. Did I mention that Repubican polliticians LIE almost as blatantly as Obama. It is not only that 450 billion dollars is more than ALL of the "cuts' that the "Tea Party Congress" has even proposed as to the deficit, through 2013. HALF of that--like 226 billion dollars--is MORE than the total amount Repubicans will have "saved" from raising the debt ceiling through 2013. In other words, if Repubicans "compromise" with Obama on this jobs bill, they will have BETRAYED the Tea Party and their own supposed principles by ADDDING to the amojount needed to ad to the debt ceiling next time. And these sAME Republicans--dishonest hypocrites all--will then make some sort of big deal about raising the debt ceiling NEXT TIME, even toiugh they could have PREVENTED it by whatever amont they are thinking about "compromising with Obama.

Here is where Obama is the even bigger lia.r.-one of the other Bib Lies involved here. Obama's ADDITONS to the debt over the next year (450 billion dollars) will take place mainly over the next fiscal year. That will REQUIRE raising the debt ceiling an additonal 450 BILLION dollars. This is mere arithmetic---not complicated at all. How can you say that something is "fully paid for", when YOU HAVE NOT PAID A DIME. Wathat you are saying, liar that you (Obama and his ilk) are--is that you WILL pay for it (that moonlighting job) in the FUTURE. You are actually comparing apples and oranges. You are comparing additions to the debt NOW with supposedly "paying for it" OVER TEN YEARS. That is a LIE. There is just no other word for it

And Obama is proposing to "pay for" his jobs bill ENTIRELY with taxes--more insane complications to the tax code. This makes a mockery of "tax reform". In fact, you can say that Obamma--another lie--has ATTACKED "tax reform" with his proposal to "pay for" the jobs bill. The idea of "tax reform" is to LOWER TAX RATES by SIMPLIFYING the tax code by cutting out tax credits and deductions. You cannot have "tax reform" and try to usee "closing loopholes" as a means of FINANCING MORE DEBT. That is simply another lie. But that is not the only lie here.

Obama is saying that is "jobs bill" (ALL elements of which have already FAILED) is "fully paid for" merely because he hass PROPOSED tax increases to "pay for it" in the future (not even to go into effectg until after the next election--a part of the propoal so cyhnical that it alone should cause you to vote against EVERY single memeber of Congress who buysinto any part of this, including Tea Party Republican politicians and establishment Republican politicians). Problem: Republicans have already said that they will never vote for such tax increases. How can you say that a bill is "fully paid for", when not only is the money NEEDED just to fund the current spending, but the supposed "payring for it" will NEVER HAPPEN (unless Republicans expose themselves as even greater liars than I think they are). But let me look at this another way. Paul Ryyan, in the Repubican budget that has PASSED the House (more than you can say for Obama, who has evidently not even PRESENTED his bill in the House yet), proposed DEFICT REDUCTION of massive amounts--a good part of which (yues, Paul Ryan and the Republicans are liars--just not on Obama's scale) do not happen for ten years with MEDICARE. What if Paul Ryan canme out and said that he had a massive Federal TAX CUT program that was "fully paid for" because of his proposed Medicare cuts? I hope Ryan would be laughed out of Congress, as Obama should be laughed out of the White House. How AREEOGANT is it to claim that your proposed "jobs bill" is "fully paid for"--even thoiugh it increases our debt over more than the next two eyars--because you PROPOSE a means of "paying for it" that you KNOW cannot be passesd? To me, Obama is the most ARROGANT man to ever occupy the White House (saying a lot).

No. It is absurd. Republicans shoud be syaing it is absurd, but Repubican politicians are cowards with no "principle" except winning elections. You simply can't say that you are "fully paying for' a bill by merely PROPOSING how you want to "pya for it" sometime IN THE FUTURE. And, by the way, you are making it hHARDER to "pay for" the programs we already have. Again, we NEED that $450 billion to "pay for" the Federal Government we already have . It is an outragoues LIE to say that we can ignore the fact that we are already borrowing 40 cents out of every dollar we spend as if we ae starting at zero. We are starting with a deficit we need to address, and a growing debtt, and Obama's jjobs bill" will make BOTH of those problems worse. So much for the LIE that we ae "paying for" anything. Now I am NOT endorsing Obama's proposed (ridiculous) tax increases. I support tax reform, and not this continued exercise in deceptive class warfare that Obama and Democrats have embarked upon--in the belief that neither the media nor Republicans will CALL them on it because Repubi ans sense "viictory" and do not want to "rock the boat".

Obama truly is "Liar-in-Chief", and this Big Lie about "fullyu paying for" new programs is maybe the most outrageous example.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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